Two physicists (a female and male) working on a lab experiment

ALP Seminar: Exploring Classical and Quantum Fields in Curved Spacetimes: Lab-Based Investigations into Black Holes and Early Universe Physics

09 May 2024
Seminars and colloquia
Simpkins Lee
Beecroft Building

Prof. Silke Weinfurtner, University of Nottingham

Seminar series
ALP seminar
Knowledge of physics?
Yes, knowledge of physics required
For more information contact


Exploring the dynamics of the early universe and black holes unveils profound insights into the interplay between general relativity and classical/quantum fields. Important phenomena emerge when gravitational and/or field interactions are strong, and/or when quantum effects become prominent. Notable examples include Hawking's proposal on the evaporation of black holes, Penrose's conjecture on the spin-down of rotating black holes, and Kofman's proposal on particle production during preheating. Despite their significance, observing these phenomena directly remains elusive. In this presentation, I will report on recent advancements in investigating these processes in laboratory experiments involving normal and quantum liquids.