How to administer an antidote to Schrödinger's cat

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 55:5 (2022)


JR Álvarez, M Ijspeert, O Barter, B Yuen, TD Barrett, D Stuart, J Dilley, A Holleczek, A Kuhn


In his 1935 Gedankenexperiment, Erwin Schrödinger imagined a box with a cat and a poisonous substance which has a 50% probability of being released, based on the decay of a radioactive atom. As such, the life of the cat and the state of the poison become entangled, and the fate of the cat is determined upon opening the box. We present an experimental technique that keeps the cat alive on any account. This method relies on the time-resolved Hong-Ou-Mandel effect: two long, identical photons impinging on a beam splitter always bunch in either of the outputs. Interpreting the first photon detection as the state of the poison, the second photon is identified as the state of the cat. Even after the collapse of the first photon's state, we show their fates are intertwined through quantum interference. We demonstrate this by a sudden phase change between the inputs, administered conditionally on the outcome of the first detection, which steers the second photon to a pre-defined output and ensures that the cat is always observed alive.

Polarized single photons from a cavity-enhanced atom-light interface with coherent re-preparation

Optica Publishing Group (2022) qth4c.4


Jan Ole Ernst, Juan-Rafael Álvarez, Thomas D Barrett, Axel Kuhn

Light-matter interaction in open cavities with dielectric stacks

Applied Physics Letters AIP Publishing 118:15 (2021) 154002


Astghik Saharyan, Juan-Rafael Álvarez, Thomas H Doherty, Axel Kuhn, Stephane Guérin


We evaluate the exact dipole coupling strength between a single emitter and the radiation field within an optical cavity, taking into account the effects of multilayer dielectric mirrors. Our model allows one to freely vary the resonance frequency of the cavity, the frequency of light or atomic transition addressing it, and the design wavelength of the dielectric mirror. The coupling strength is derived for an open system with unbound frequency modes. For very short cavities, the effective length used to determine their mode volume and the lengths defining their resonances are different, and also found to diverge appreciably from their geometric length, with the radiation field being strongest within the dielectric mirror itself. Only for cavities much longer than their resonant wavelength does the mode volume asymptotically approach that normally assumed from their geometric length.

Dataset for "How to administer an antidote to Schrödinger’s cat"

University of Oxford (2021)


Juan Alvarez Velasquez, Mark IJspeert, Oliver Barter, Benjamin Yuen, Thomas D Barrett, Dustin Stuart, Jerome Dilley, Annemarie Holleczek, Axel Kuhn


Experimental data gathered in laboratory, recorded by Single Photon Counting Modules.

Pushing Purcell enhancement beyond its limits

NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 22:6 (2020) ARTN 063013


Thomas D Barrett, Thomas H Doherty, Axel Kuhn