Two physicists (a female and male) working on a lab experiment

ALP Seminar: Hardware-efficient quantum computing using qudits

30 Oct 2023
Seminars and colloquia
Simpkins Lee
Clarendon Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PU
Seminar series
ALP seminar
Knowledge of physics?
Yes, knowledge of physics required
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Computing today is almost exclusively based on binary information encoding. This holds true for classical computers operating with bits, as well as for the emerging area of quantum computing that uses qubits to exploit quantum superposition and entanglement for information processing. However, the quantum systems underpinning today’s quantum computers offer the possibility to process information in several different energy levels so-called qudits. 

A key to unlocking the potential of this approach, and to realsing qudit algorithms in practice is the availability of programmable, high-fidelity qudit entangling gates. This capability is now becoming available in trapped-ion quantum processors with all-to-all connectivity. These new resources open up exciting avenues for native quantum simulation of d-evel systems with smaller registers and reduced gate depth compared to a qubit approach.

We use qudit quantum circuits to perform quantum computations of problems in particle physics. These results open the door for hardware-efficient quantum simulations with qudits in near-term quantum devices.