Angle-dependent magnetoresistance and the phase diagram of high temperature superconductors

23 May 2024
Seminars and colloquia
First Floor Audrey Wood Meeting Room
Clarendon Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PU

Dr Paul Goddard, Warwick University

Seminar series
CMP seminar
For more information contact

Angle-dependent magnetoresistance (AMR) is a uniquely valuable technique for determining the geometry of the bulk Fermi surface of layered materials. I will explain the details of how this method works, discuss the phase diagram of the high-temperature cuprate superconductors and the associated unresolved questions, and show how AMR has been used in the past to understand the electronic properties of this important class of materials. I will report on more recent AMR data taken near the so-called critical doping. These results clearly show that a reconstruction of the Fermi surface occurs at the pseudo-gap phase boundary, which has repercussions for the origin of the superconductivity in these materials [1]. The data also shed light on the linear-in-temperature resistivity observed in cuprate superconductors [2]. 

[1] Y Fang et al. Nature Physics 18, 558 (2022) 

[2] G. Grissonnanche et al. Nature 595, 667 (2021)