CMT Forum: Cécile Repellin

20 Nov 2024
Seminars and colloquia
Simpkins Lee Seminar Room

Professor Cécile Repellin, CNRS, LPMMC

Seminar series
CMT Forum
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Signatures of fractional quantum Hall states in few-body systems

Realizing strongly correlated topological phases of ultracold gases is a central goal for quantum gas experiments. Due to the difficulty in preparing these phases, ongoing experiments are focusing on ensembles of few atoms, and the preparation of a fractional quantum Hall state of two bosonic atoms has been achieved [1]. Beyond their preparation, the characterization of these few-body states poses a unique challenge due to their small system size. I will discuss which signatures can be used, and show that hallmark fingerprints of fractional quantum Hall phases, such as a quantized Hall conductivity [2], or chiral edge modes[3], can be extracted in few-particle systems through local density measurements.

[1] Realization of a fractional quantum Hall state with ultracold atoms, Léonard, Kim, Kwan, Segura, Grusdt, Repellin, Goldman and Greiner, Nature 2023
[2] Fractional Chern insulators of few bosons in a box: Hall plateaus from center-of-mass drifts and density profiles, Repellin, Léonard and Goldman, Phys. Rev. A 2020
[3] Spectroscopy of edge and bulk collective modes in fractional Chern insulators, Binanti, Goldman, Repellin, Phys. Rev. Res. 2024