The 4th in the series of High Power Laser Science and Engineering Symposia, HPLSE2021, was held between 12-16 April 2021 in Suzhou, China. This was a mixed live and virtual conference with Chinese delegates able to meet in Suzhou with non-Chinese participants inputting virtually. Colin Danson co-chaired the conference together with Prof Xian-Tu He (CAEP) and Prof Dianyuan Fan (SIOM and Shenzhen University).
There were nine international plenary talks from an impressive line-up of senior members of the community from around the globe: USA (Prof Mike Campbell), Japan (Prof Ryosuki Kodama), ELI-NP (Dr Olivier Chalus), China (Prof Jie Zhang, Prof Xian-Tu He, and Prof Jianqiang Zhu); there were three plenary talks from the UK, all members of OxCHEDS: Justin Wark, High Energy Density Science with X-ray Free Electron Lasers; Peter Norreys, Prospects for high gain for Inertial Fusion Energy; and Colin Danson, Petawatt and Exawatt Class Lasers Worldwide.
The conference was divided into different sessions covering: High Energy Density Science; High Power Laser Systems; Laser Components for High Power Lasers; and Advanced Laser Technologies and Applications, with a mixture of invited and contributed talks and posters. The virtual presentations will be available on-line in mid-May.
There is a special issue of the journal High Power Laser Science and Engineering for peer reviewed papers with the call on the Cambridge University Press website: