ALP Seminar: Eternal equilibrium
Dr Berislav Buca, CNRS, Universite Paris-Saclay
SoftBio Theory Seminar: From Disorder to Order: How Flocks Form Against the Odds
Dr Thibault Bertrand, Imperial College
Multi-wavelength spectroscopic surveys to study AGN feedback in nearby and distant galaxies
Dr Darshan Kakkad, University of Hertfordshire
Latest results on the strong coupling from the LHC
Dr Klaus Rabbertz, KIT
SPI-MAX: Ben Sutlieff
Dr Ben Sutlieff, University of Edinburgh
CMP Seminar: Altermagnetism in Technicolor
Professor Paolo Radaelli, Department of Physics, University of Oxford
Calabi-Yau manifolds: from geometry, to physics, to AI-driven Discovery
Professor Yang-Hui He, London Institute for Mathematical Sciences & Merton College
ALP Seminar: Vision: A Symphony of Physics and Intelligence
Dr Lu Fang, Tsinghua University
The importance of being wide: The key role of wide binaries, from GW sources to Pluto
Professor Hagai Perets, Technion
SPI-MAX: Adam Benjamin Langeveld
Dr Adam Benjamin Langeveld, Cornell University
New measurement of the K+ --> pi+nunu decay by the NA62 Experiment
Dr Joel Swallow, INFN Frascati
SPI-MAX: Martina Veresvarska
Martina Veresvarska, Durham University
CMT Forum: Jorge Kurchan
Professor Jorge Kurchan, ENS Paris
CMP Seminar: Probing the Quantized Berry Phases in 1H-NbSe2 Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Dr Dumitru Calugaru, Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford Department of Physics, Princeton University
Theoretical Physics Colloquium: Werner Krauth
Professor Werner Krauth, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris
ALP Seminar: Effective models for single-photon quantum optics
Dr Astghik Saharyan, University of Paris Sud
Shining a light on structure growth with CMB secondary anisotropies
Professor Anthony Challinor, University of Cambridge
Intellectual Property Insights: From the Higgs Boson to Hairbrushes and Holography
Dr Gemma Martynwood, UK and European Patent Attorney, Partner at EIP
CMT Forum: Balazs Pozsgay
Dr Balazs Pozsgay, Eötvös Loránd University
AOPP Seminar - Title TBC
Rei Chemke, Weizmann Institute of Science
CMP Seminar: Screening effects in low-dimensional systems: Understanding its influence on optoelectronic properties from first principles
Dr Aurelie Champagne, Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux
ALP Seminar: Everything you always wanted to know about atom tunneling & photon propagation but were afraid to ask
Professor Aephraim Steinberg, University of Toronto
Characterizing the three-dimensional nature of exoplanets in the era of JWST
Professor Tad Komacek, University of Oxford
Superconducting quantum electronics for fundamental physics
Professor Stafford Withington, University of Oxford
SPI-MAX: Jai Chauhan
Dr Jai Chauhan, University of Leicester