kurti science prize

The Nicholas Kurti science prize lecture

23 Jun 2023
Public talks and lectures
Martin Wood Lecture Theatre
Martin Wood Complex, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PU

Dr Alexander Grimm, Researcher in the Photon Science Division, Paul Scherrer Institut, Nicholas Kurti Science Prize Winner 2022

Quantum Error Correction with Bosonic Qubits

Join us for this guest talk in which Dr Grimm will discuss the role of bosonic qubits in Quantum Error Correction (QEC), and its implications in stabilising quantum two level systems and progressing accurate quantum information processing applications.

Since 2022, Alexander has been the group leader of the bosonic quantum information group after joining the Paul Scherrer Institut as a tenure track scientist. He obtained his PhD at CEA Grenoble. It was his research into autonomous quantum error correction (QEC) in bosonic codes, demonstrating and operating a "Kerr cat qubit", which earned him joint winner of the Nicholas Kurti Science Prize in 2022, sponsored by Oxford Instruments.


Tea, coffee and pastries will be served prior to the lecture at 1:30pm in the Martin Wood foyer