I have now been nearly 50 years in the field.
Starting on bubble-chamber experiments, moving to ZEUS at HERA and now to ATLAS at CERN. Obviously I am proud to be on the paper on the discovery of the Higgs boson, but my area of expertise came to be Deep Inelastic Scattering. First as a way to establish QCD as the theory of the strong interaction and then to use QCD as a tool to extract the momentum distributions of the quarks and gluons within the proton, known as Parton Distribution Functions. Knowledge of these functions is needed to increasingly high precision if we are to discover deviations from the Standard Model of Particle Physics in the LHC data. I am also interested in probing new kinematic regions where we may go beyond the conventional low-density, perturbative calculations of QCD to a high-density regime where non-linear evolution equations could be needed.
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