I am a first year DPhil student under the supervision of Prof Matt Jarvis. My research covers a range of topics in cosmology and galaxy evolution, with a focus on understanding the connection between galaxies and their dark matter halos using large galaxy surveys.
I utilize optical data from HSC, CFHT and near-infrared data from VIDEO and UltraVISTA in the COSMOS and XMM-LSS fields, to perform a clustering analysis by measuring the two-point correlation function. I measure the stellar mass to halo mass ratio using halo occupation distribution (HOD) modelling, to understand how galaxies occupy halos of different masses and how this evolves with cosmic time.
My PhD research objectives are to analyze the cross-correlations between red and blue galaxies, study AGN vs. blue/star-forming galaxies, identify quenching mass ranges over cosmic time, and better understand the relationship between galaxies and their dark matter halos.