Luke Scantlebury-Smead

First full angular analysis of semitauonic $B^0 \to D^{*-} \tau^+ \nu_{\tau}$ decays


Alexandra Rollings

$C\!P$ violation measurements using fully reconstructed $B^\pm \rightarrow D^{*} h^{\pm}$ decays, $h \in (K, \pi)$


Barak Gruberg Cazon

Central exclusive production of $\chi_c$ mesons in $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV proton-proton collisions

Colm Murphy

A study of $B \rightarrow Dh,\ D \rightarrow hh\pi^0$ decays at LHCb and a validation of the Belle II flavour taggers

Martina Pili

Measurement of the $W$ boson mass with the LHCb experiment


Thomas Hancock

Searches for $B \rightarrow D\mu^+\mu^-$ decays and test-beam studies of TORCH detector prototypes

Mikkel Bjørn

$C\!P$ violation in $B\rightarrow Dh$ decays where $D\rightarrow K_{\rm S}^0 h'h'$

Hannah Pullen

A study of $C\!P$ violation and measurement of the CKM angle $\gamma$ in $B^{0}\rightarrow DK^{∗0}$ decays


Anita Nandi

$C\!P$ violation measurements using $B^\pm\rightarrow DK^{*\pm}$ decays at LHCb

Tom Hadavizadeh

Rare hadronic decays of charged $B$ mesons at LHCb


Tim Evans - LHCb Thesis Awards Winner 2018

Studies of the decays $D^0\rightarrow K^\mp\pi^\mp\pi^\pm\pi^\mp$ at CLEO-c and LHCb


Faye Cheung

Measurements of the CKM angle $\gamma$ at the LHCb experiment

Ollie Lupton - LHCb Thesis Awards Winner 2017

Studies of $D^0\rightarrow K^0_{\rm S}h^+h^{'-}$ decays at the LHCb experiment


Nazim Hussain

A study of $CP$ violation in $B^\mp\rightarrow Dh^\mp$ $(h=K,\pi)$ with the modes $D\rightarrow K^\pm \pi^\pm \pi^0$, $D\rightarrow \pi^+\pi^− \pi^0$ and $D\rightarrow K^+K^− \pi^0$

Donal Hill

Studies using $B^\pm\rightarrow Dh^\pm$ decays in the LHCb Run I data


Edmund Smith

Measurement of $C\!P$ violation in $B^0 \rightarrow D K^{*0}$ Decays with the LHCb Experiment

Rhorry Gauld

Phenomenological studies of top quark production in the forward region of phase space at the LHC

Edward Greening

Rare and challenging charm decays at LHCb

Nick Torr

A model-independent approach to mixing in prompt $D^0\rightarrow K^0_{\rm S}\pi^+\pi^-$ decays at LHCb


Hamish Gordon - Springer Thesis prize winner 2014

Searches for $C\!P$ violation in $D^{+} \to K^{-}K^{+}\pi^{+}$ decay at the LHCb experiment

Daniel Johnson

Determination of the CKM phase $\gamma$ at LHCb using the decay mode $B^\pm \rightarrow DK^\pm$ and a study of the decays $D^0 \rightarrow K^0_{\rm S} K^\pm\pi^\mp$ using data from the CLEO experiment


Philip Hunt

A study of $B \rightarrow DK$ and $D\pi$ production using $D^0 \rightarrow K^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ decays at LHCb

Sophie Redford

The branching fraction and CP asymmetry of $B^{\pm} \rightarrow \psi \pi^{\pm}$ and $B^{\pm} \rightarrow \pi^{\pm} \mu^{+} \mu^{-}$ decays

Andrea Contu

The Measurement of the Production Cross Section Ratio of Identified Hadrons and the Calibration of the Magnetic Distortion in RICH1 at LHCb


Paolo Gandini - Springer Thesis prize 2012

Observation of $CP$ violation in $B^\pm \rightarrow DK^\pm$ decays

Chris Thomas

Measurement of the strong-phase difference between $D^0$ and $\overline D^0$ decays to $K^0_SK^+K^-$ at CLEO-c and a determination of observables related to $C\!P$ violation in $B^\pm \rightarrow D K^\pm$ decays at LHCb


Sean Brisbane

CLEO-c $D\to K_{S/L}^0 \pi^+\pi^-$ Binned Dalitz-Plot Analyses Optimised for the CKM Angle $\gamma$ Measurement and the Commissioning of the LHCb RICH Front-End Electronics


Andrew Powell

Measuring the CKM Angle $\gamma$ with $B^{\pm} \to DK^{\pm}$ Decays at LHCb and a Determination of the $D \to K\pi\pi\pi$ Coherence Factor at CLEO-c


Vladimir Gligorov

Measurement of the CKM angle gamma and B meson lifetimes at the LHCb detector


Laura Somerville

Performance of the LHCb RICH photon detectors and tagging systematics for $C\!P$ violation studies


Charlotte Newby

The production and evaluatation of photodetectors for the LHCb RICH system and a study of the sensitivity to very rare hadronic B decays


Nigel John Smale

Multi-anode photon-multiplier readout electronics for the LHCb ring imaging Cherenkov detectors


Matthew Charles

The performance of SCT128A ASICs when reading out silicon sensors and a study of $B^0_s \rightarrow D^\pm_s \pi^\mp$ at LHCb


Jonas Rademacker

Evaluation of the LHCb RICH detectors and a measurement of the CKM angle $\gamma$