I am an Associate Professorship in Physical Climate and a Tutorial Fellow at Wadham College. I am also a Natural Environment Research Council Independent Research Fellow until November 2024, and hold a Leverhulme Trust Research Leadership Award. You can find a short version of my CV here.
I lead the Atmospheric Processes group. For more details about our research, please see the group pages. But, in summary ....
We work to understand the role of uncertain small-scale processes on weather, seasonal and climate timescales. We combine this understanding with expertise in numerical modelling to develop parametrisation schemes for weather and climate models (which have been included in various weather forecasting models around the world). We approach research problems by combining theoretical ideas with observational analysis and a hierarchy of models, ranging from simple dynamical systems to complex global circulation models. A key theme running throughout is uncertainty quantification in the context of modelling and prediction.
A growing area in our group is the application of sophisticated Machine Learning tools to problems in this area. I am on the leadership team of the Intelligent Earth Centre for Doctoral Training which will train a new generation of DPhil (PhD) students to tackle some of the most pressing environmental issues using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Internationally, I am leading the international Model Uncertainty-Model Intercomparison Project (MUMIP), a joint venture of the World Weather and World Climate Research Programmes, with contributors from modelling centres worldwide. I was awarded the American Meteorological Society Clarence Leroy Meisinger Award in recognition of leadership in this area. I contributed to Chapter 4 of the IPCC AR6 on ‘Future global climate: scenario-based projections and near-term information’, and am a member of the International Commission on Dynamical Meteorology (ICDM), part of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). I am also an associate editor at JAMES (Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems).