I am a Detector Development Scientist working in the Particle Physics sub-department on instrumentation for high energy physics experiments. My research support role concerns the planned upgrade of the ATLAS detector at CERN, and the ePIC detector for the future Electron Ion Collider at Brookhaven. I also coordinate particle physics public engagement activities at Oxford.
Over the last twenty years, I have worked on a range of particle and astroparticle physics projects, including the readout system for a dark matter search experiment; a SQUID magnetometer for a cryogenic neutron electric dipole moment experiment; and a 3He calibration magnetometer for the Muon g−2 experiment. I have also worked on the application of SQUIDs to study geomagnetism and magnetic signals associated with groundwater movement, and potential industrial applications in geophysical exploration.
See my blog for stories of my adventures in particle physics research and public engagement.