I am an expert in stratospheric processes and their links with weather and climate.
I am a senior researcher at AOPP in the Physics Department, also teaching and supervising Oxford Physics final year students.
My research interests include understanding the role of stratospheric mechanisms for weather and climate prediction, as well as the use and development of alternative techniques to include such mechanisms in state-of-the-art Earth System Models.
I have previously worked as a Senior Researcher at the University of Reading and at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris. I keep active collaborations with ECMWF, where I also worked for several years on model improvements for the stratosphere and assessment of corresponding impacts at different timescales.
Before that I obtained a Marie Curie personal Fellowship that I carried out at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), right after being a NERC Research Fellow at the University of Leeds.
As part of WCRP activities, since 2012 I lead a group of top international scientists working on Brewer-Dobson Circulation research for the SPARC Reanalyses Intercomparison Project (SRIP).
I have HE teaching experience at graduate and undergraduate courses, have designed and taught courses on “Climate and Weather Prediction Models”, “Intelligent Instrumentation” and “The Ozone Layer”, among other topics.