I am a postdoctoral research assistant interested in the observation of aerosol-cloud interactions from satellite and ground-based sensors. My work is underpinned by the use of retrieval theory to develop rigorous and comprehensible estimates of the uncertainty affecting my products.
As a fellow of the National Centre for Earth Observation, I evaluate the aerosol component of the UK Earth System Model and work towards harmonising the aerosol and cloud retrievals within the ORAC algorithm. This involves software development, data generation, validation studies, and the production of statistically robust climatologies.
Research interests
Aerosol, cloud and their interactions
Optimal estimation, retrieval theory
Uncertainty in satellite remote sensing
Selected publications
A review and framework for the evaluation of pixel-level uncertainty estimates in satellite aerosol remote sensing
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques European Geosciences Union 13 (2020) 373-404
Known and unknown unknowns: Uncertainty estimation in satellite remote sensing
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques European Geosciences Union 8:11 (2015) 4699-4718
Retrieval of aerosol backscatter, extinction, and lidar ratio from Raman lidar with optimal estimation
Description and evaluation of aerosol in UKESM1 and HadGEM3-GC3.1 CMIP6 historical simulations
Geoscientific Model Development Copernicus Publications 13:12 (2020) 6383-6423