I am a second-year PhD student in the ATLAS group, working with Prof Chris Hays. I have graduated from the University of Oxford with an integrated master's in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics in 2023.
As a member of the ATLAS Collaboration at CERN, my work mainly focuses on precision Standard Model (SM) measurements. In particular, I am interested in measuring the mass of the W boson which is a crucial parameter of SM. Such measurements provide an important test for electroweak theory predictions and have shown good agreement until 2022 when the CDF collaboration announced a measurement of the W boson mass that significantly deviated from SM expectation. Such a deviation, if confirmed by multiple measurements, would mean the interference of new physics, beyond what is theorised by SM.
Accurate modelling is vital for precision measurements. Hence, a special focus of my work is improving the performance of Monte Carlo (MC) generators that are used to predict the kinematics of high-energy collisions. On that front, I have been working with Prof Peter Skands on the tuning of parton shower models in Pythia MC generator.
Additionally, I am involved in the ATLAS system tests efforts, in preparation of the Phase 2 upgrade of the ATLAS Inner Detector.