The Radcliffe Camera becomes a living planet
Credit: Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0. Image design by C Guimond.

Planets Day

25 Mar 2025
Cheng Yu Tung Building
Jesus College

Professor Nick Lane, University College London

Professor Jayne Birkby, University of Oxford

Professor Claire Nichols, University of Oxford

Professor Sonia Antoranz Contera, University of Oxford

Professor Ros Rickaby, FRS OBE, University of Oxford

Professor Tim Coulson, University of Oxford

Knowledge of physics?
Yes, knowledge of physics required
For more information contact

Dr. Claire Marie Guimond []


Planets Day is a one-day meeting for researchers interested in how planets work; how to observe them; and how they could develop complex life. If you work or study in any Oxford school or department, including but not limited to Physics, Earth Sciences, Biology, Biochemistry, Geography, and Medicine, you are welcome!