Project overview

The Advanced Device Concepts for Next-Generation Photovoltaics is an exciting new EPSRC/UKRI-funded Programme Grant between Oxford and Liverpool Universities. It is a collaborative project that brings together expertise in photovoltaic materials synthesis and device fabrication, advanced characterisation and modelling. 

The ambition for this project is to carry out multidisciplinary research, via inter-linked work streams, that will explore and conceive four new photovoltaic device concepts and paradigms, enabling the next major step-change in photovoltaic efficiency. 

New devices architectures, concentrator PV, quantum cutting, hot-carrier collection and photon transport will be explored and enabled by absorber materials based on metal-halide perovskites, silicon, and novel low-band-gap chalcogenide-halide semiconductors, supported by fundamental experimental characterisation and materials modelling. 

Addressing these future advanced concepts through a holistic approach will enable key scientific discoveries and important major technical advances enabling the next generation of PV technologies for beyond 2030. 

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