Our research into exoplanet atmospheres spans two sub-departments in Physics, Astrophysics and AOPP, and the Earth Sciences department, and we collaborate under the umbrella of the Oxford Network for Planets. We work on both observational techniques and theoretical modelling to understand the chemistry, dynamics, and evolution of exoplanet atmospheres, from extreme ultra hot Jupiters, to the enigmatic mini-Neptunes and rocky worlds beyond our Solar system. The main faculty collaborating on this research group are :

Jayne Birkby with a more pronounced focus on observations and their theoretical interpretation. 

Vivien Parmentier, with a more pronounced focus on the modelling and theoretical understanding of hot giant exoplanets.

Pat Irwin, with a more pronounced focus on atmospheric retrievals. 

Ray Pierrehumbert with a more pronounced focus on the modelling of smaller and cooler planets.