Planet formation and migration

Reports on Progress in Physics 69:1 (2006) 119-180


JCB Papaloizou, C Terquem


We review the observations of extrasolar planets, ongoing developments in theories of planet formation, orbital migration and the evolution of multiplanet systems. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.

Numerical simulations of type i planetary migration in non-turbulent magnetized discs

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 363:3 (2005) 943-953


S Fromang, C Terquem, RP Nelson


Using 2D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical simulations performed with two different finite-difference Eulerian codes, we analyse the effect that a toroidal magnetic field has on low-mass planet migration in non-turbulent protoplanetary discs. The presence of the magnetic field modifies the waves that can propagate in the disc. In agreement with a recent linear analysis, we find that two magnetic resonances develop on both sides of the planet orbit, which contribute to a significant global torque. In order to measure the torque exerted by the disc on the planet, we perform simulations in which the latter is either fixed on a circular orbit or allowed to migrate. For a 5-M⊕ planet, when the ratio β between the square of the sound speed and that of the Alfven speed at the location of the planet is equal to 2, we find inward migration when the magnetic field Bφ is uniform in the disc, reduced migration when Bφ decreases as r-1 and outward migration when Bφ decreases as r-2. These results are in agreement with predictions from the linear analysis. Taken as a whole, our results confirm that even a subthermal stable field can stop inward migration of an earth-like planet. © 2005 RAS.

Evolution of massive and magnetized protoplanetary disks

Extrasolar Planets: Today and Tomorrow 321 (2004) 262-270


S Fromang, C Terquem, SA Balbus, JP De Villiers

Evolution of self-gravitating magnetized disks. II. Interaction between magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and gravitational instabilities

ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 616:1 (2004) 364-375


S Fromang, SA Balbus, C Terquem, JP De Villiers

On the eccentricities of the extrasolar planets



JCB Papaloizou, RP Nelson, C Terquem