Nonclassical character of statistical mixtures of the single-photon and vacuum optical states

Physical Review A American Physical Society (APS) 65:3 (2002) 033830


AI Lvovsky, JH Shapiro

Cabello's nonlocality and linear optics.

Physical review letters 88:9 (2002) 098901

Optical mode characterization of single photons prepared by means of conditional measurements on a biphoton state

The European Physical Journal D Springer Nature 18:2 (2002) 237-245


T Aichele, AI Lvovsky, S Schiller

Nonclassical character of statistical mixtures of the single-photon and vacuum optical states

Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 65:3 (2002) 1-6


AI Lvovsky, JH Shapiro


The electric-field-quadrature statistics of the ensembles of the vacuum state 0> are nonclassical according to the Vogel criterion. These states were synthesized and measured with an improved pair-production rate achieved by the pulse picking method. The Vogel criterion is generalized to apply to quadrature distributions obtained in interferometrically unstable settings. In addition, a quantitative analysis of statistical errors is given.

Quantum-optical catalysis by means of a single photon

Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) - Technical Digest Series 74 (2002)


AI Lvovsky, J Mlynek


We convert coherent states of light into nonclassical coherent superpositions of the vacuum and the single-photon states via conditional measurements on a beamsplitter, employing single photons as "catalysts": they facilitate the conversion without being consumed.