Noncoplanar and counterrotating incommensurate magnetic order stabilized by Kitaev interactions in γ-Li(2)IrO(3).

Physical review letters 113:19 (2014) 197201


A Biffin, RD Johnson, I Kimchi, R Morris, A Bombardi, JG Analytis, A Vishwanath, R Coldea


Materials that realize Kitaev spin models with bond-dependent anisotropic interactions have long been searched for, as the resulting frustration effects are predicted to stabilize novel forms of magnetic order or quantum spin liquids. Here, we explore the magnetism of γ-Li(2)IrO(3), which has the topology of a three-dimensional Kitaev lattice of interconnected Ir honeycombs. Using magnetic resonant x-ray diffraction, we find a complex, yet highly symmetric incommensurate magnetic structure with noncoplanar and counterrotating Ir moments. We propose a minimal Kitaev-Heisenberg Hamiltonian that naturally accounts for all key features of the observed magnetic structure. Our results provide strong evidence that γ-Li(2)IrO(3) realizes a spin Hamiltonian with dominant Kitaev interactions.

Cascade of field-induced magnetic transitions in a frustrated antiferromagnetic metal

Physical Review B American Physical Society (APS) 90:2 (2014) 020401


AI Coldea, L Seabra, A McCollam, A Carrington, L Malone, AF Bangura, D Vignolles, PG van Rhee, RD McDonald, T Sörgel, M Jansen, N Shannon, R Coldea

Excitations in the quantum paramagnetic phase of the quasi-one-dimensional Ising magnet CoNb2O6 in a transverse field: Geometric frustration and quantum renormalization effects

Physical Review B American Physical Society (APS) 90:1 (2014) 014418


I Cabrera, JD Thompson, R Coldea, D Prabhakaran, RI Bewley, T Guidi, JA Rodriguez-Rivera, C Stock

Realization of a three-dimensional spin-anisotropic harmonic honeycomb iridate.

Nature communications 5 (2014) 4203-4203


KA Modic, Tess E Smidt, Itamar Kimchi, Nicholas P Breznay, Alun Biffin, Sungkyun Choi, Roger D Johnson, Radu Coldea, Pilanda Watkins-Curry, Gregory T McCandless, Julia Y Chan, Felipe Gandara, Z Islam, Ashvin Vishwanath, Arkady Shekhter, Ross D McDonald, James G Analytis


Spin and orbital quantum numbers play a key role in the physics of Mott insulators, but in most systems they are connected only indirectly--via the Pauli exclusion principle and the Coulomb interaction. Iridium-based oxides (iridates) introduce strong spin-orbit coupling directly, such that these numbers become entwined together and the Mott physics attains a strong orbital character. In the layered honeycomb iridates this is thought to generate highly spin-anisotropic magnetic interactions, coupling the spin to a given spatial direction of exchange and leading to strongly frustrated magnetism. Here we report a new iridate structure that has the same local connectivity as the layered honeycomb and exhibits striking evidence for highly spin-anisotropic exchange. The basic structural units of this material suggest that a new family of three-dimensional structures could exist, the 'harmonic honeycomb' iridates, of which the present compound is the first example.

A new spin-anisotropic harmonic honeycomb iridate

ArXiv 1402.3254 (2014)


Kimberly A Modic, Tess E Smidt, Itamar Kimchi, Nicholas P Breznay, Alun Biffin, Sungkyun Choi, Roger D Johnson, Radu Coldea, Pilanda Watkins-Curry, Gregory T McCandless, Felipe Gandara, Z Islam, Ashvin Vishwanath, Julia Y Chan, Arkady Shekhter, Ross D McDonald, James G Analytis


The physics of Mott insulators underlies diverse phenomena ranging from high temperature superconductivity to exotic magnetism. Although both the electron spin and the structure of the local orbitals play a key role in this physics, in most systems these are connected only indirectly --- via the Pauli exclusion principle and the Coulomb interaction. Iridium-based oxides (iridates) open a further dimension to this problem by introducing strong spin-orbit interactions, such that the Mott physics has a strong orbital character. In the layered honeycomb iridates this is thought to generate highly spin-anisotropic interactions, coupling the spin orientation to a given spatial direction of exchange and leading to strongly frustrated magnetism. The potential for new physics emerging from such interactions has driven much scientific excitement, most recently in the search for a new quantum spin liquid, first discussed by Kitaev \cite{kitaev_anyons_2006}. Here we report a new iridate structure that has the same local connectivity as the layered honeycomb, but in a three-dimensional framework. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility exhibits a striking reordering of the magnetic anisotropy, giving evidence for highly spin-anisotropic exchange interactions. Furthermore, the basic structural units of this material suggest the possibility of a new family of structures, the `harmonic honeycomb' iridates. This compound thus provides a unique and exciting glimpse into the physics of a new class of strongly spin-orbit coupled Mott insulators.