Spin waves and electronic interactions in La2CuO4.

Phys Rev Lett 86:23 (2001) 5377-5380


R Coldea, SM Hayden, G Aeppli, TG Perring, CD Frost, TE Mason, SW Cheong, Z Fisk


The magnetic excitations of the square-lattice spin-1/2 antiferromagnet and high- T(c) parent compound La2CuO4 are determined using high-resolution inelastic neutron scattering. Sharp spin waves with absolute intensities in agreement with theory including quantum corrections are found throughout the Brillouin zone. The observed dispersion relation shows evidence for substantial interactions beyond the nearest-neighbor Heisenberg term which can be understood in terms of a cyclic or ring exchange due to the strong hybridization path around the Cu4O4 square plaquettes.

Experimental realization of a 2D fractional quantum spin liquid.

Phys Rev Lett 86:7 (2001) 1335-1338


R Coldea, DA Tennant, AM Tsvelik, Z Tylczynski


The ground-state ordering and dynamics of the two-dimensional S = 1/2 frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet Cs(2)CuCl(4) are explored using neutron scattering in high magnetic fields. We find that the dynamic correlations show a highly dispersive continuum of excited states, characteristic of the resonating valence bond state, arising from pairs of S = 1/2 spinons. Quantum renormalization factors for the excitation energies (1.65) and incommensuration (0.56) are large.

Spin dynamics of the model 2D quantum antiferromagnet CFTD

ArXiv cond-mat/0101238 (2001)


HM Ronnow, DF McMorrow, R Coldea, A Harrison, ID Youngson, TG Perring, G Aeppli, O Syljyasen, K Lefmann, C Rischel


The magnetic excitation spectrum in the two-dimensional (2D) S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet copper deuteroformate tetradeuterate (CFTD) has been measured for temperatures up to T\sim J/2, where J=6.31+-0.02 meV is the 2D exchange coupling. For T\ll J, a dispersion of the zone boundary energy is observed, which is attributed to a wavevector dependent quantum renormalization. At higher temperatures, spin-wave-like excitations persist, but are found to broaden and soften. By combining our data with numerical calculations, and with existing theoretical work, a consistent description of the behaviour of the model system is found over the whole temperature interval investigated.

New results on the excitations of an S = 1 quantum chain

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 226-230:PART I (2001) 437-438


RA Cowley, M Kenzelmann, WJL Buyers, DF McMorrow, R Coldea, M Enderle


Neutron scattering measurements have been made of the excitations of the S = 1 antiferromagnetic chain compound CSNiCl3. The new results show the existence of a continuum component to the excitation spectrum at energies higher than the Haldane gap and that the Haldane gap excitation increases in energy and remains resonant as the temperature is increased. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Magnetic order and spin-waves in the quasi-1D S=1/2 antiferromagnet ${\bf BaCu_{2}Si_{2}O_{7}}$

ArXiv cond-mat/0012452 (2000)


M Kenzelmann, A Zheludev, S Raymond, E Ressouche, T Masuda, P Böni, K Kakurai, I Tsukada, K Uchinokura, R Coldea


Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering were used to study the ordered phase of the quasi-one-dimensional spin-1/2 antiferromagnet ${\rm BaCu_{2}Si_{2}O_{7}}$. The previously proposed model for the low-temperature magnetic structure was confirmed. Spin wave dispersion along several reciprocal-space directions was measured and inter-chain, as well as in-chain exchange constants were determined. A small gap in the spin wave spectrum was observed and attributed to magnetic anisotropy effects. The results are discussed in comparison with existing theories for weakly-coupled quantum spin chain antiferromagnets.