Magnetization plateau observed by ultrahigh-field Faraday rotation in the kagome antiferromagnet herbertsmithite

Physical Review B American Physical Society (APS) 102:10 (2020) 104429


Ryutaro Okuma, Daisuke Nakamura, Shojiro Takeyama

Fermionic order by disorder in a van der Waals antiferromagnet.

Scientific reports 10:1 (2020) 15311


R Okuma, D Ueta, S Kuniyoshi, Y Fujisawa, B Smith, CH Hsu, Y Inagaki, W Si, T Kawae, H Lin, FC Chuang, T Masuda, R Kobayashi, Y Okada


CeTe3 is a unique platform to investigate the itinerant magnetism in a van der Waals (vdW) coupled metal. Despite chemical pressure being a promising route to boost quantum fluctuation in this system, a systematic study on the chemical pressure effect on Ce3+(4f1) states is absent. Here, we report on the successful growth of a series of Se doped single crystals of CeTe3. We found a fluctuation driven exotic magnetic rotation from the usual easy-axis ordering to an unusual hard-axis ordering. Unlike in localized magnetic systems, near-critical magnetism can increase itinerancy hand-in-hand with enhancing fluctuation of magnetism. Thus, seemingly unstable hard-axis ordering emerges through kinetic energy gain, with the self-consistent observation of enhanced magnetic fluctuation (disorder). As far as we recognize, this order-by-disorder process in fermionic system is observed for the first time within vdW materials. Our finding opens a unique experimental platform for direct visualization of the rich quasiparticle Fermi surface deformation associated with the Fermionic order-by-disorder process. Also, the search for emergent exotic phases by further tuning of quantum fluctuation is suggested as a promising future challenge.

Low-temperature thermal transport measurements of oxygen-annealed Yb2Ti2O7

Physical Review B American Physical Society 102:1 (2020) 14434


Wh Toews, Ja Reid, Jd Thompson, D Prabhakaran, R Coldea, Rw Hill


Low-temperature thermal conductivity measurements have been conducted on an oxygen-annealed single crystal of Yb2Ti2O7 from 60 mK to 50 K and in magnetic fields up to 8 T applied in the [111] crystallographic direction. The temperature dependence of the conductivity in zero field shows a significant peak in thermal conductivity at T∼13 K and a sharp anomaly at Tc∼0.2 K suggesting that the sample's behavior is representative of the high-purity limit, with low levels of disorder. The magnetic field dependence of the thermal conductivity close to Tc reveals a reentrant magnetic phase for a field in the [111] direction. With this information, analysis of the very low magnetic field behavior of the thermal conductivity suggests the presence of significant fluctuations close to the phase line.

Avoided quasiparticle decay and enhanced excitation continuum in the spin-one-half near-Heisenberg triangular antiferromagnet Ba3CoSb2O9

University of Oxford (2020)


David Macdougal, Radu Coldea


The deposited package contains single crystal inelastic neutron scattering data of the triangular lattice antiferromagnet Ba3CoSb2O9; the zip file contains a series of ASCII data files, MATLAB plotting functions and a README.txt file that explains the data file formats.

Glide Symmetry Breaking and Quantum Criticality in the Ising Magnet CoNb2O6

University of Oxford (2020)


Michele Fava, Radu Coldea


See Readme.txt for details.