Temperature–chemistry coupling in the evolution of gas giant atmospheres driven by stellar flares
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Oxford University Press 523:4 (2023) 5681-5702
The effect of enhanced UV irradiation associated with stellar flares on the atmospheric composition and temperature of gas giant exoplanets was investigated. This was done using a 1D radiative-convective-chemical model with self-consistent feedback between the temperature and the non-equilibrium chemistry. It was found that flare-driven changes to chemical composition and temperature give rise to prolonged trends in evolution across a broad range of pressure levels and species. Allowing feedback between chemistry and temperature plays an important role in establishing the quiescent structure of these atmospheres, and determines their evolution due to flares. It was found that cooler planets are more susceptible to flares than warmer ones, seeing larger changes in composition and temperature, and that temperature–chemistry feedback modifies their evolution. Long-term exposure to flares changes the transmission spectra of gas giant atmospheres; these changes differed when the temperature structure was allowed to evolve self-consistently with the chemistry. Changes in spectral features due to the effects of flares on these atmospheres can be associated with changes in composition. The effects of flares on the atmospheres of sufficiently cool planets will impact observations made with JWST. It is necessary to use self-consistent models of temperature and chemistry in order to accurately capture the effects of flares on features in the transmission spectra of cooler gas giants, but this depends heavily on the radiation environment of the planet.Convective shutdown in the atmospheres of lava worlds
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Oxford University Press (OUP) (2024)
Exploring the evolution of lava planets using planet-resolving models
Copernicus Publications (2024)
Distinguishing Oceans of Water from Magma on Mini-Neptune K2-18b
The Astrophysical Journal Letters American Astronomical Society 962:1 (2024) l8