Comparing Galaxy Clustering in Horizon-AGN Simulated Lightcone Mocks and VIDEO Observations


P Hatfield, C Laigle, M Jarvis, JULIEN Devriendt, I Davidzon, O Ilbert, C Pichon, Y Dubois


Hydrodynamical cosmological simulations have recently made great advances in reproducing galaxy mass assembly over cosmic time - as often quantified from the comparison of their predicted stellar mass functions to observed stellar mass functions from data. In this paper we compare the clustering of galaxies from the hydrodynamical cosmological simulated lightcone Horizon-AGN, to clustering measurements from the VIDEO survey observations. Using mocks built from a VIDEO-like photometry, we first explore the bias introduced into clustering measurements by using stellar masses and redshifts derived from SED-fitting, rather than the intrinsic values. The propagation of redshift and mass statistical and systematic uncertainties in the clustering measurements causes us to underestimate the clustering amplitude. We find then that clustering and halo occupation distribution (HOD) modelling results are qualitatively similar in Horizon-AGN and VIDEO. However at low stellar masses Horizon-AGN underestimates the observed clustering by up to a factor of ~3, reflecting the known excess stellar mass to halo mass ratio for Horizon-AGN low mass haloes, already discussed in previous works. This reinforces the need for stronger regulation of star formation in low mass haloes in the simulation. Finally, the comparison of the stellar mass to halo mass ratio in the simulated catalogue, inferred from angular clustering, to that directly measured from the simulation, validates HOD modelling of clustering as a probe of the galaxy-halo connection.

Dynamical Modeling of SAURON Galaxies

Carnegie Observatories Centennial Symposium. 1. Coevolution of Black Holes and Galaxies


M Cappellari, RCE van den Bosch, EK Verolme, R Bacon, M Bureau, Y Copin, RL Davies, E Emsellem, D Krajnovic, H Kuntschner, R McDermid, BW Miller, RF Peletier, PT de Zeeuw


We describe our program for the dynamical modeling of early-type galaxies observed with the panoramic integral-field spectrograph SAURON. We are using Schwarzschild's numerical orbit superposition method to reproduce in detail all kinematical and photometric observables, and recover the intrinsic orbital structure of the galaxies. Since catastrophes are the most prominent features in the orbital observables, two-dimensional kinematical coverage is essential to constrain the dynamical models.

Dynamical modeling of SAURON galaxies

Proceedings of IUTAM Symposia and Summer Schools IUTAM 3


Michele Cappellari, RCEVD Bosch, EK Verolme, R Bacon, Martin Bureau, Y Copin, RL Davies, E Emsellem, D Krajnovic, H Kuntschner, R McDermid, BW Miller, RF Peletier, PTD Zeeuw


We describe our program for the dynamical modeling of early-type galaxies observed with the panoramic integral-field spectrograph SAURON. We are using Schwarzschild's numerical orbit superposition method to reproduce in detail all kinematical and photometric observables, and recover the intrinsic orbital structure of the galaxies. Since catastrophes are the most prominent features in the orbital observables, two-dimensional kinematical coverage is essential to constrain the dynamical models.

Large Synoptic Survey Telescope White Paper; The Case for Matching U-band on Deep Drilling Fields


BW Holwerda, A Baker, S Blyth, S Kannappan, D Obreschkow, S Ravindranath, E Elson, M Vaccari, S Crawford, M Bershady, N Hathi, N Maddox, R Taylor, MATTHEW Jarvis, J Bridge


U-band observations with the LSST have yet to be fully optimized in cadence. The straw man survey design is a simple coverage of the medium-deep-fast survey. Here we argue that deep coverage of the four deep drilling fields (XMM-LSS, ECDFS, ELAIS-S1 and COSMOS) has a much higher scientific return, given that these are also the target of the Southern Hemisphere's Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder, the MeerKAT specifically, deep radio observations.

Large sSynoptic Survey Telescope Galaxies Science Roadmap



BE Robertson, M Banerji, MC Cooper, Roger Davies, SP Driver, HC Ferguson, E Gawiser, S Kaviraj, JH Knapen, Chris Lintott, J Lotz, JA Newman, DJ Norman, N Padilla, SJ Schmidt, GP Smith, JA Tyson, Aprajita Verma, I Zehavi, L Armus, C Avestruz, LF Barrientos, Rebecca Bowler, MN Bremer


The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will enable revolutionary studies of galaxies, dark matter, and black holes over cosmic time. The LSST Galaxies Science Collaboration has identified a host of preparatory research tasks required to leverage fully the LSST dataset for extragalactic science beyond the study of dark energy. This Galaxies Science Roadmap provides a brief introduction to critical extragalactic science to be conducted ahead of LSST operations, and a detailed list of preparatory science tasks including the motivation, activities, and deliverables associated with each. The Galaxies Science Roadmap will serve as a guiding document for researchers interested in conducting extragalactic science in anticipation of the forthcoming LSST era.