Workshop on Adiabatic and Dynamical Algorithms for Quantum Hardware

We are pleased to announce a mini-workshop on Adiabatic and Dynamical Quantum Algorithms, which will take place at Keble College, Oxford from midday on Monday 19th August 2024, finishing with lunch on Wednesday 21st August 2024.

The mini-workshop will be held in the context of the EPSRC project Adiabatic and dynamical algorithms for quantum hardware ( and the QCS Hub, and will centre around algorithms that can be implemented on neutral atom quantum computers, including approaches based on adiabatic quantum computing / quantum annealing. We will include discussions around:
– Coherent quantum annealing with neutral atoms
– Shortcuts to adiabaticity
– Quantum algorithms based around tensor networks
– Quantum algorithms for computational fluid dynamics.

Confirmed invited speakers include:

Oliver Brown (Edinburgh)
Marin Bukov (Dresden)
Steve Campbell (Dublin)
Ieva Cepaite (Phasecraft)
Ryan Connor (Strathclyde)
Callum Duncan (AEGIQ)
Andrew Green (UCL)
Dieter Jaksch (Hamburg)
Viv Kendon (Strathclyde)
Martin Kiffner (PlanQC)
Leigh Lapworth (Rolls Royce)
John Martyn (MIT)
Kathryn McInroy (Strathclyde)
Stewart Morawetz (Boston)
Jonathan Pritchard (Strathclyde)
Preetma Soin (AWE)
Steven Thomson (IBM)
Carrie Weidner (Bristol)

Application / Registration

To apply to attend the meeting, please fill out the application form. This will be open until Sunday 4th August, or until all places have been allocated. 

Registration fees are £80 (including lunch and coffee breaks on each day of the meeting) or £250 including accommodation.

Please note our Privacy Policy 


Accommodation for invited speakers and limited accommodation for additional participants is available at Keble College.  Please indicate on the registration form if you require accommodation - this is limited and will be provided on a first come basis while rooms are available. As of 25th July, there are still rooms available.