Quantifying Uncertainty in Deep Learning Approaches to Radio Galaxy Classification

ArXiv 2201.01203 (2022)


Devina Mohan, Anna MM Scaife, Fiona Porter, Mike Walmsley, Micah Bowles

Optimization of the Observing Cadence for the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time: A Pioneering Process of Community-focused Experimental Design

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series American Astronomical Society 258:1 (2022) 1


Federica B Bianco, Željko Ivezić, R Lynne Jones, Melissa L Graham, Phil Marshall, Abhijit Saha, Michael A Strauss, Peter Yoachim, Tiago Ribeiro, Timo Anguita, AE Bauer, Franz E Bauer, Eric C Bellm, Robert D Blum, William N Brandt, Sarah Brough, Márcio Catelan, William I Clarkson, Andrew J Connolly, Eric Gawiser, John E Gizis, Renée Hložek, Sugata Kaviraj, Charles T Liu, Michelle Lochner, Ashish A Mahabal, Rachel Mandelbaum, Peregrine McGehee, Eric H Neilsen, Knut AG Olsen, Hiranya V Peiris, Jason Rhodes, Gordon T Richards, Stephen Ridgway, Megan E Schwamb, Dan Scolnic, Ohad Shemmer, Colin T Slater, Anže Slosar, Stephen J Smartt, Jay Strader, Rachel Street, David E Trilling, Aprajita Verma, AK Vivas, Risa H Wechsler, Beth Willman

TESS Eclipsing Binary Stars. I. Short-cadence Observations of 4584 Eclipsing Binaries in Sectors 1–26

The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series American Astronomical Society 258:1 (2022) 16


Andrej Prša, Angela Kochoska, Kyle E Conroy, Nora Eisner, Daniel R Hey, Luc IJspeert, Ethan Kruse, Scott W Fleming, Cole Johnston, Martti H Kristiansen, Daryll LaCourse, Danielle Mortensen, Joshua Pepper, Keivan G Stassun, Guillermo Torres, Michael Abdul-Masih, Joheen Chakraborty, Robert Gagliano, Zhao Guo, Kelly Hambleton, Kyeongsoo Hong, Thomas Jacobs, David Jones, Veselin Kostov, Jae Woo Lee, Mark Omohundro, Jerome A Orosz, Emma J Page, Brian P Powell, Saul Rappaport, Phill Reed, Jeremy Schnittman, Hans Martin Schwengeler, Avi Shporer, Ivan A Terentev, Andrew Vanderburg, William F Welsh, Douglas A Caldwell, John P Doty, Jon M Jenkins, David W Latham, George R Ricker, Sara Seager, Joshua E Schlieder, Bernie Shiao, Roland Vanderspek, Joshua N Winn

Predicting the water content of interstellar objects from galactic star formation histories

Astrophysical Journal Letters IOP Science 294 (2021) 1


Christopher Lintott, Michele Bannister, Ted Mackereth


Planetesimals inevitably bear the signatures of their natal environment, preserving in their composition a record of the metallicity of their system's original gas and dust, albeit one altered by the formation processes. When planetesimals are dispersed from their system of origin, this record is carried with them. As each star is likely to contribute at least 1012 interstellar objects (ISOs), the Galaxy's drifting population of ISOs provides an overview of the properties of its stellar population through time. Using the EAGLE cosmological simulations and models of protoplanetary formation, our modeling predicts an ISO population with a bimodal distribution in their water mass fraction: objects formed in low-metallicity, typically older, systems have a higher water fraction than their counterparts formed in high-metallicity protoplanetary disks, and these water-rich objects comprise the majority of the population. Both detected ISOs seem to belong to the lower water fraction population; these results suggest they come from recently formed systems. We show that the population of ISOs in galaxies with different star formation histories will have different proportions of objects with high and low water fractions. This work suggests that it is possible that the upcoming Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time will detect a large enough population of ISOs to place useful constraints on models of protoplanetary disks, as well as galactic structure and evolution.

Predicting the water content of interstellar objects from galactic star formation histories



Chris Lintott, Michele T Bannister, J Ted Mackereth