- Head, Subdepartment of Particle Physics University of Oxford 2018-present
- Professor University of Oxford 2013-present
- Deputy scientific coordinator of the EU Network AIDA 2020 (2015-present)
- Senior Kurti Fellow at Brasenose College 2015-present
- E. M. Purcell Distinguished Professor Purdue University 2009-2013
- Professor Purdue University 2001-2009
- Associate Professor Purdue University 1995-2001
- Assistant Professor Purdue University 1992-1995
- Fellow, Institute of Physics (Elected 2015)
- Fellow, American Association Advancement of Science (Elected 2013)
- Fellow, American Physical Society (Elected 2004).
- Ruth and Joel Spira Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Education, Physics Department, Purdue University (2004)
- Early Career Award (NSF) Award (1997-2002)
- Career Advancement Award, National Science Foundation (1994)
- Purdue University Fellow (1999-2004)
- Alfred P. Sloan fellow (1994-1996)
- Member of Collegio Ghislieri (1977-1981)
- Member of the UK STFC LBNF DUNE PIP-II Oversight Committee (2019-present)
- Member of the IFCA Advisory Committee, Spain (2019-present)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Panel for be.h Excellence of Science program, Belgium (2018- present)
- Member of the UK STFC Consolidated Grant Panel (2017-present)
- Member of the STFC Detectors and Instrumentation Strategic Review (2018)
- Member of the evaluation Panel of the VUB Strategic Research Programs in the domain Basic-Natural and Applied Sciences, Belgium (2017)
- Collaboration board chair of EU AMVA4Newphysics (2015-2019)
- Member of KM3NET Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (2016-2019)
- Chair of the Fermilab National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) Program Advisory Committee (2014-2016)
- Member of the FNAL Advisory Committee (2011-2016)
- Editor of Nuclear Instrument and Methods (2015- present)
- National advisor to the Division Particle and Fields Task Force on Instrumentation (2011-2013)
- Elected member to the LHC Users organization (2011-2013)
- Member of the Mathematical & Physical Sciences Advisory Committee to the U.S. National Science Foundation, 2008-2011, 2011-2014.
- Member of the US NSF Committee of Visitors to Experimental Particle Physics (2009)
- Member of High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP) to the US DOE and US NSF (2005-2008)
- Member of the DOE review panel of the Career Awards (2011, 2019)
- Member of the DOE Review Panel to evaluate the proton-proton program at the DOE national Laboratories 2009
- Member of the Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (2005-2007, 2008, 2010)
- Member External Review Committee Report Physics Department School of Physics and Astronomy University of Minnesota (2008)
- Member of the U.S. NSF Experimental Particle Physics panel and LHC panel (2006)
- Member Universities Research Association External Review Committee (2005, 2006)
- Member, DoE Review Panel for Brookhaven National Laboratory (2000, 2001)
- Elected Member of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Users Organization Executive Committee (2003-2006)
- Elected Member Executive Committee Division of Particle and Fields of the APS (2003-2006)
- Reviewer NIM, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, JINST, JHEP
- Reviewer US DOE (University, ADR, OJI, SBIR), US NSF (University and CAREER), Austrian Science Fund, US-Israel Binational Science Foundation, EU ERC, Helmholtz, IFCA- Spain, IRIS-Cyprus, NWO-Netherland
- Editor of Nuclear Instrument and Methods (2015- present)
- UK CO-Coordinator of pixel module construction for the ITk
- Leader of the Task force on ATLAS ITk Serial powering.
- US coordinator and Level 2 manager of the US upgrade program for the HL-LHC (2007-2014)
- Co-Convener of the CMS Phase 2 Upgrade Pixel Sensor group
- Member of the CMS Phase 1 Pixel Upgrade Management Board (2010-2014)
- Member of the CMS Phase 2 Tracker Upgrade Steering committee (2010-2014)
- Level 3 Manager LHC US CMS Forward Pixel (2002-2009).
- Coordinator of the METbb subgroup of the Higgs Discovery group (2008-2012)
Research interests
Higgs Physics, Silicon detectors, Dark Matter