About Me
I am a professor of theoretical physics whose research is mostly on string compactifications, string phenomenology and applications to various problems in Beyond-the-Standard-Model physics. Full details of my research interests and academic publication record can be found on my personal webpage.
I am also the author of Why String Theory? (CRC, 2015), Physics World Book of the Year 2016, and Origins (Oneworld, 2024), a verse account of the early universe.
Research interests
String theory; string compactifications
Astroparticle physics
Beyond-the-Standard-Model Physics
Selected publications
Systematics of Moduli Stabilisation in Calabi-Yau Flux Compactifications
ArXiv hep-th/0502058 (2005)
Constraints on axion-like particles from X-ray observations of NGC1275
Astrophysical Journal IOP Publishing 847:2 (2017) 101
Integer conformal dimensions for type IIa flux vacua
Physical Review D American Physical Society 105:10 (2022) 106029
String cosmology: from the early universe to today
Physics Reports Elsevier 1059 (2024) 1-155