I am Professor of Physics at the Rudolph Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics and Fellow of St John's College at the University of Oxford.
I work mostly on applications of string theory to strongly interacting quantum field theories at finite temperature and density. This set of applications is known as "gauge-string duality".
My operational webpage is here.
Research interests
QFT at finite temperature and density
Selected publications
Convergence of the Gradient Expansion in Hydrodynamics
Physical Review Letters American Physical Society (APS) 122:25 (2019) 251601
From strong to weak coupling in holographic models of thermalization
Journal of High Energy Physics Springer Verlag 2016:151 (2016) 1-52
Quasinormal modes and holography
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 72:8 (2005)
Viscosity in strongly interacting quantum field theories from black hole physics
Physical Review Letters 94:11 (2005)