SDSS-IV MaStar: [α/Fe] for the MaNGA Stellar Library from synthetic model spectra

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Oxford University Press 517:3 (2022) 4275-4290


Lewis Hill, Daniel Thomas, Claudia Maraston, Renbin Yan, Daniel Lazarz, Yan-Ping Chen, Guy S Stringfellow, Michele Cappellari, Jon A Holtzman, Julie Imig, Dmitry Bizyaev, David R Law, Keivan G Stassun, Niv Drory


We calculate the α-enhancement ratio [α/Fe] for the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) Stellar Library (MaStar) while also fitting for the fundamental atmospheric parameters effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity – Teff, log g, [Fe/H]. This approach builds upon a previous catalogue of stellar parameters, whereby only the fundamental atmospheric parameters are fit with solar-scaled models. Here, we use the same Markov Chain Monte Carlo method with the additional free parameter [α/Fe]. Using the full spectral fitting code pPXF, we are able to fit multiple lines sensitive to [α/Fe] for a more robust measurement. Quality flags based on the convergence of the sampler, errors in [α/Fe] and a cut in the χ2 of the model fit are used to clean the final catalogue, returning 17 214 spectra and values in the range of −0.25 < [α/Fe] < 0.48. Comparing our calculated [α/Fe] with literature values reveals a degeneracy in cool stars with log g ≥ ∼4; this comparison is then used to create an alternative and calibrated parameter set. We also plot the final catalogue in an [Fe/H] versus [α/Fe] diagram and recover the expected result of increasing [α/Fe] with decreasing [Fe/H] for Milky Way disc-halo stars. We apply our method to a subsample of spectra of uniform resolution and higher signal to noise that finds that our results are independent of this higher signal to noise. In the context of stellar population models, we are able to cover a parameter space for the creation of intermediate to old age models at solar-scaled [α/Fe], high [Fe/H] and enhanced [α/Fe], low [Fe/H].

The MOSDEF survey: a new view of a remarkable z = 1.89 merger

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Oxford University Press 517:3 (2022) 4405-4416


Jordan N Runco, Alice E Shapley, Mariska Kriek, Michele Cappellari, Michael W Topping, Ryan L Sanders, Vasily I Kokorev, Sedona H Price, Naveen A Reddy, Alison L Coil, Bahram Mobasher, Brian Siana, Tom Zick, Georgios E Magdis, Gabriel Brammer, James Aird


We present a detailed study of a galaxy merger taking place at z = 1.89 in the GOODS-S field. Here, we analyse Keck/MOSFIRE spectroscopic observations from the MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field (MOSDEF) survey along with multiwavelength photometry assembled by the 3D-HST survey. The combined data set is modelled to infer the past star formation histories (SFHs) of both merging galaxies. They are found to be massive, with log10(M*/M⊙) > 11, with a close mass ratio satisfying the typical major-merger definition. Additionally, in the context of delayed-τ models, GOODS-S 43114, and GOODS-S 43683 have similar SFHs and low star formation rates (log10(SFR(SED)/M⊙yr−1⁠) < 1.0) compared to their past averages. The best-fitting model SEDs show elevated H δA values for both galaxies, indicating that their stellar spectra are dominated by A-type stars, and that star formation peaked ∼0.5−1 Gyr ago and has recently declined. Additionally, based on SED fitting both merging galaxies turned on and shut off star formation within a few hundred Myr of each other, suggesting that their bursts of star formation may be linked. Combining the SFHs and H δA results with recent galaxy merger simulations, we infer that these galaxies have recently completed their first pericentric passage and are moving apart. Finally, the relatively low second velocity moment of GOODS-S 43114, given its stellar mass suggests a disc-like structure. However, including the geometry of the galaxy in the modelling does not completely resolve the discrepancy between the dynamical and stellar masses. Future work is needed to resolve this inconsistency in mass.

Panic! at the Disks: First Rest-frame Optical Observations of Galaxy Structure at z > 3 with JWST in the SMACS 0723 Field

The Astrophysical Journal Letters American Astronomical Society 938:1 (2022) l2


Leonardo Ferreira, Nathan Adams, Christopher J Conselice, Elizaveta Sazonova, Duncan Austin, Joseph Caruana, Fabricio Ferrari, Aprajita Verma, James Trussler, Tom Broadhurst, Jose Diego, Brenda L Frye, Massimo Pascale, Stephen M Wilkins, Rogier A Windhorst, Adi Zitrin

HARMONI at ELT: prototyping for Single-Conjugate AO Sensor subsystem

Proceedings of SPIE SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics 12185 (2022) 121854y-121854y-11


K El Hadi, JF Sauvage, K Dohlen, E Renault, W Bon, P Vola, T Crauchet, L Guemerle, F Madec, D Le Mignant, B Neichel, T Fusco, F Clarke, D Melotte, M Tecza, N Thatte, J Amiaux, J Paufique

WISDOM Project -- XIII. Feeding molecular gas to the supermassive black hole in the starburst AGN-host galaxy Fairall 49

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Oxford University Press 516:3 (2022) 4066-4083


Federico Lelli, Timothy A Davis, Martin Bureau, Michele Cappellari, Lijie Liu, Ilaria Ruffa, Mark D Smith, Thomas G Williams


The mm-Wave Interferometric Survey of Dark Object Masses (WISDOM) is probing supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in galaxies across the Hubble sequence via molecular gas dynamics. We present the first WISDOM study of a luminous infrared galaxy with an active galactic nuclei (AGN): Fairall 49. We use new ALMA observations of the CO(2-1) line with a spatial resolution of about 80 pc together with ancillary HST imaging. We reach the following results: (1) The CO kinematics are well described by a regularly rotating gas disk with a radial inflow motion, suggesting weak feedback on the cold gas from both AGN and starburst activity; (2) The dynamically inferred SMBH mass is 1.6 +/- 0.4 (rnd) +/- 0.8 (sys) x 10^8 Msun, assuming that we have accurately subtracted the AGN and starburst light contributions, which have a luminosity of about 10^9 Lsun; (3) The SMBH mass agrees with the SMBH-stellar mass relation but is about 50 times higher than previous estimates from X-ray variability; (4) The dynamically inferred molecular gas mass is 30 times smaller than that inferred from adopting the Galactic CO-to-H_2 conversion factor (X_CO) for thermalised gas, suggesting low values of X_CO; (5) the molecular gas inflow rate increases steadily with radius and may be as high as 5 Msun/yr. This work highlights the potential of using high-resolution CO data to estimate, in addition to SMBH masses, the X_CO factor and gas inflow rates in nearby galaxies.