The parsec-scale central components of FRI radio galaxies

ASTR SOC P 250 (2002) 100-103


P Kharb, P Shastri


A majority of a complete sample of 3CR FR I radio galaxies show unresolved optical nuclear sources on the scales of 0.1 aresec. About half of the 3CR FR II radio galaxies observed with the HST also show Compact Central Cores (CCC). These CCCs have been interpreted as the optical counterparts of the non-thermal radio cores in these radio galaxies (Chiaberge, Capetti & Celotti 1999). We show that the optical flux density of the CCCs in FR Is is correlated with the radio core prominence. This correlation supports the argument of Chiaberge et al. that the CCC radiation is of a non-thermal synchrotron origin, which is relativistically beamed along with the radio emission.

Too hot, too fast or forever young?

ASTR SOC P 250 (2002) 133-136


J Dennett-Thorpe, AG de Bruyn


We present the results of a year-long WSRT monitoring campaign for the quasar J 1819+3845. The extreme variations (regularly 10% per minute) axe explained by interstellar scintillation of a source which is no more that 30 microarrseconds in diameter, with a corresponding brightness temperature of similar to 10(13) K.We use the results of this WSRT campaign to infer critical source parameters (size, structure and lifetime). To first order, the changes in the observed scintillation behaviour over the year are interpreted as being due to a peculiar velocity of the scattering plasma (similar to 20 pc distant), and not due to any changes within the source itself. We discus's the source structure on a size of tens of microarcseconds, and illustrate how such a monitoring campaign can yield such, information.

Two types of radio galaxies: a new approach

ASTR SOC P 250 (2002) 281-289


We do not fully understand the dynamics and evolution of a radio galaxy. Models of classical double (FR II; Fanaroff & Riley 1974) sources are in a reasonable state, but these objects are rare. Non-FRII sources (generically called FRI) axe far more common, but much less well understood. In this paper I use the data to suggest possible new models for FRI sources, and discuss, the physical questions which these new models raise.

VLA images of Virgo A and their implications

ASTR SOC P 250 (2002) 422-427


F Owen, J Eilek


Results of recent imaging observations of Virgo A (M 87) are presented. The flow seen in the inner region as the M 87 jet appears to continue out onto much large scales, up to 35 kpc in projection from the cluster core. The energy flux, which supposedly originates in the black hole in the M 87 core, appears. ultimately to be deposited in the hot X-ray gas in the cluster core in the form of heat and work in blowing up two large bubbles. The input energy from the jet currently exceeds the radiative cooling by about a factor of ten or more. This probably transient phenomenon may play an important role in the life history of a cluster core but requires the study of many more examples to understand fully.

VLBI observations of a complete sample of radio galaxies - 10 years later

ASTR SOC P 250 (2002) 170-174


G Giovannini, L Feretti, T Venturi, WD Cotton, L Lara


A complete sample of 27 radio galaxies was selected from the B2 and 3CR catalogues, in order to study their properties on milliarcsecond scales. In this work we discuss the evidence for high velocity jets in low power radio galaxies and the possible existence of a two velocity jet. structure (fast spine and lower velocity external shear layer).