Three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulations of cloud-wind interactions

Astrophysical Journal 543:2 PART 1 (2000) 775-786


G Gregori, F Miniati, D Ryu, TW Jones


We present results from three-dimensional numerical simulations investigating the magnetohydrodynamics of cloud-wind interactions. The initial cloud is spherical, while the magnetic field is uniform and transverse to the cloud motion. A simplified analytical model that describes the magnetic energy evolution in front of the cloud is developed and compared with simulation results. In addition, it is found that the interaction of the cloud with a magnetized interstellar medium results in the formation of a highly structured magnetotail. The magnetic flux in the wake of the cloud organizes into flux ropes, and a reconnection current sheet is developed as field lines of opposite polarity are brought close together near the symmetry axis. At the same time magnetic pressure is strongly enhanced at the leading edge of the cloud from the stretching of the field lines that occurs there. This has an important dynamical effect on the subsequent evolution of the cloud, since some unstable modes tend to be strongly enhanced.

Enhanced cloud disruption by magnetic field interaction

Astrophysical Journal 527:2 PART 2 (1999)


G Gregori, F Miniati, D Ryu, TW Jones


We present results from the first three-dimensional numerical simulations of moderately supersonic cloud motion through a tenuous, magnetized medium. We show that the interaction of the cloud with a magnetic field perpendicular to its motion has a great dynamical impact on the development of instabilities at the cloud surface. Even for initially spherical clouds, magnetic field lines become trapped in surface deformations and undergo stretching. The consequent field amplification that occurs there and, in particular, its variation across the cloud face then dramatically enhance the growth rate of Rayleigh-Taylor unstable modes, hastening the cloud disruption.

Thomson scattering measurements in atmospheric plasma jets

Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics 59:2 (1999) 2286-2291


G Gregori, J Schein, P Schwendinger, U Kortshagen, J Heberlein, E Pfender


Electron temperature and electron density in a dc plasma jet at atmospheric pressure have been obtained using Thomson laser scattering. Measurements performed at various scattering angles have revealed effects that are not accounted for by the standard scattering theory. Differences between the predicted and experimental results suggest that higher order corrections to the theory may be required, and that corrections to the form of the spectral density function may play an important role. © 1999 The American Physical Society.

Electron-beam based Compton scattering x-ray source for probing high-energy-density physics

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams American Physical Society


Hans G Rinderknecht, G Bruhaug, G, V Musat, Gianluca Gregori, GW Collins, H Poole


The physics basis for an electron-beam based Compton scattering (ECOS) x-ray source is investigated for single-shot experiments at major high energy density facilities such as the Omega Laser Facility, National Ignition Facility, and Z pulsed power facility. A source of monoenergetic (δϵ/ϵ<5%) 10- to 50-keV x rays can be produced by scattering of a short-pulse optical laser by a 23- to 53-MeV electron beam and collimating the scattered photons. The number and spectrum of scattered photons is calculated as a function of electron packet charge, electron and laser pulse duration, laser intensity, and collision geometry. A source with greater than 1010 photons in a 1-mm radius spot at the OMEGA target chamber center and 100-ps time resolution is plausible with the available electron gun and laser technology. Design requirements for diffraction, inelastic scattering and imaging experiments as well as opportunities for improved performance are discussed.

Fast Non-Adiabatic Dynamics of Many-Body Quantum Systems

Science Advances Springer Verlag


Brett Larder, Dirk Gericke, Scott Richardson, Paul Mabey, Thomas White, Gianluca Gregori


Modeling many-body quantum systems with strong interactions is one of the core challenges of modern physics. A range of methods has been developed to approach this task, each with its own idiosyncrasies, approximations, and realm of applicability. Perhaps the most successful and ubiquitous of these approaches is density functional theory (DFT). Its Kohn-Sham formulation has been the basis for many fundamental physical insights, and it has been successfully applied to fields as diverse as quantum chemistry, condensed matter and dense plasmas. Despite the progress made by DFT and related schemes, however, there remain many problems that are intractable for existing methods. In particular, many approaches face a huge computational barrier when modeling large numbers of coupled electrons and ions at finite temperature. Here, we address this shortfall with a new approach to modeling many-body quantum systems. Based on the Bohmian trajectories formalism, our new method treats the full particle dynamics with a considerable increase in computational speed. As a result, we are able to perform large-scale simulations of coupled electron-ion systems without employing the adiabatic Born-Oppenheimer approximation.