Cygnus X-3 in outburst: quenched radio emission, radiation losses and variable local opacity

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Oxford University Press (OUP) 288:4 (1997) 849-858


RP Fender, SJ Bell Burnell, EB Waltman, GG Pooley, FD Ghigo, RS Foster

High-resolution radio observations of the black hole candidate GX 339-4

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Oxford University Press (OUP) 286:2 (1997) l29-l32


RP Fender, RE Spencer, SJ Newell, AK Tzioumis

ASOCAM Observations of CYG X-3: Search for a Hot Stellar Wind

Astrophysics and Space Science Springer Nature 255:1-2 (1997) 205-210


RN Ogley, SJ Bell Burnell, RP Fender

Modelling of infrared emission from Cyg X-3 and the UKIRT IRCAM3 point spread function

Vistas in Astronomy Elsevier 41:1 (1997) 65-70


RN Ogley, SJ Bell Burnell, RP Fender

The decay phase of radio flares from GRS1915+105

Vistas in Astronomy Elsevier 41:1 (1997) 21-26


T Canosa, RP Fender, GG Pooley