Short Period Seismometer for the Lunar Farside Seismic Suite Mission

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 00 (2023) 1-9


Ian M Standley, William T Pike, Simon Calcutt, James P Hoffman

The Roasting Marshmallows Program with IGRINS on Gemini South I: Composition and Climate of the Ultrahot Jupiter WASP-18 b

The Astronomical Journal American Astronomical Society 165:3 (2023) 91


Matteo Brogi, Vanessa Emeka-Okafor, Michael R Line, Siddharth Gandhi, Lorenzo Pino, Eliza M-R Kempton, Emily Rauscher, Vivien Parmentier, Jacob L Bean, Gregory N Mace, Nicolas B Cowan, Evgenya Shkolnik, Joost P Wardenier, Megan Mansfield, Luis Welbanks, Peter Smith, Jonathan J Fortney, Jayne L Birkby, Joseph A Zalesky, Lisa Dang, Jennifer Patience, Jean-Michel Désert

Quantification of carbonates, oxychlorines, and chlorine generated by heterogeneous electrochemistry induced by Martian dust activity

Geophysical Research Letters American Geophysical Union 50:4 (2023) e2022GL102127


Alian Wang, Andrew W Jackson, Neil C Sturchio, Jen Houghton, Chuck YC Yan, Kevin S Olsen, Quincy HK Qu


Heterogeneous electrochemistry induced by Martian dust activity is an important type of atmosphere-surface interaction that affects geochemical processes at the Martian surface and in the Martian atmosphere. We have experimentally demonstrated that heterogeneous electrochemistry stimulated by mid-strength dust events can decompose common chloride salts, which is accompanied by the release of chlorine atoms into the atmosphere and the generation of (per)chlorates (chlorates and perchlorates) and carbonates. In this study, we present quantitative analyses on the above products from 26 heterogeneous electrochemical experiments on chloride salts. Based on these quantifications, our calculation indicates that such atmosphere-surface interaction during a portion of Amazonian period could accumulate the observed abundance of (per)chlorates, carbonates, and HCl by landed and orbital missions, and thus can be considered as a major driving force of the global chlorine-cycle on Mars. This study emphasizes the importance of measuring the electrical properties of dust activity on Mars.

Measuring the variability of directly imaged exoplanets using vector Apodizing Phase Plates combined with ground-based differential spectrophotometry

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Oxford University Press (OUP) 520:3 (2023) 4235-4257


Ben J Sutlieff, Jayne L Birkby, Jordan M Stone, David S Doelman, Matthew A Kenworthy, Vatsal Panwar, Alexander J Bohn, Steve Ertel, Frans Snik, Charles E Woodward, Andrew J Skemer, Jarron M Leisenring, Klaus G Strassmeier, David Charbonneau

Origin and Evolution of Enceladus's Tidal Dissipation.

Space science reviews 219:7 (2023) 57


Francis Nimmo, Marc Neveu, Carly Howett


Enceladus possesses a subsurface ocean beneath a conductive ice shell. Based on shell thickness models, the estimated total conductive heat loss from Enceladus is 25-40 GW; the measured heat output from the South Polar Terrain (SPT) is 4-19 GW. The present-day SPT heat flux is of order 100 mWm-2, comparable to estimated paleo-heat fluxes for other regions of Enceladus. These regions have nominal ages of about 2 Ga, but the estimates are uncertain because the impactor flux in the Saturnian system may not resemble that elsewhere. Enceladus's measured rate of orbital expansion implies a low dissipation factor Qp for Saturn, with Qp≈3×103 (neglecting the role of Dione). This value implies that Enceladus's present-day equilibrium tidal heat production (roughly 50 GW, but with large uncertainties) is in approximate balance with its heat loss. If Qp is constant, Enceladus cannot be older than 1.5 Gyr (because otherwise it would have migrated more than is permissible). However, Saturn's dissipation may be better described by the "resonance-locking" theory, in which case Enceladus's orbit may have only evolved outwards by about 35% over the age of the Solar System. In the constant-Qp scenario, any ancient tidal heating events would have been too energetic to be consistent with the observations. Because resonance-locking makes capture into earlier mean-motion orbital resonances less likely, the inferred ancient heating episodes probably took place when the current orbital resonance was already established. In the resonance-locking scenario, tidal heating did not change significantly over time, allowing for a long-lived ocean and a relatively stable ice shell. If so, Enceladus is an attractive target for future exploration from a habitability standpoint.