Examples of new evolved planetary nebulae from the SuperCOSMOS H-alpha survey

Anglo-Australian Observatory Epping Newsletter 111 (2007) 22-22


Jayne Birkby, Quentin Parker, Brent Miszalski, Agnes Acker, David Frew

Oxygen compounds in Titan's stratosphere as observed by Cassini CIRS

Icarus 186:2 (2007) 354-363


FW Taylor, de Kok R, Irwin PGJ, Teanby NA

Vertical profiles of HCN, HC3N, and C2H2 in Titan's atmosphere derived from Cassini/CIRS data

Icarus 186 (2007) 364-384


NA Teanby, P.G.J. Irwin, R. de Kok, S. Vinatier

Optical constant of ammonium hydrosulfide ice and ammonia ice

Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics 24:1 (2007) 126-136


CJA Howett, RW Carlson, PGJ Irwin, SB Calcutt


Thin-film transmission spectra of ammonium hydrosulfide (NH4SH) ice and ammonia (NH3) ice between 1300 and 12,000 cm-1 were used to determine the ice's optical constants. The films were grown on a sapphire substrate, and a Fourier-transform spectrometer and a grating spectrometer were used together to record the spectra. Lambert's law was used to directly determine the imaginary component of the complex refractive indices; from this, the real component was derived using the Kramers-Kronig algorithm. It is shown that, contrary to what is expected, the optical constants determined for NH3 ice at 80 K are in good agreement with those in the cubic phase, rather than the metastable one. The phase of the NH4SH ice was observed to change from amorphous to polycrystalline as the film was annealed to 160 K. © 2006 Optical Society of America.

Optical constants of ammonium hydrosulfide ice and ammonia ice

Journal of the Optical Society of America B Optica Publishing Group 24:1 (2007) 126


Carly JA Howett, Robert W Carlson, Patrick GJ Irwin, Simon B Calcutt