PhD projects

Projects available for DPhil projects from October 2025 in our group are listed below. Please get in touch with Professor Amalia Coldea ( for further details. We welcome applications from enthusiastic students who are excited and challenged by understanding the rich novel physical phenomena displayed by novel quantum materials, in particular understanding superconductivity and the competing electronic phases. Suitable candidates need to have a good understanding of condensed matter physics and good computing skills (Python, Matlab) as well the ability to work well in an experimental team. Most of our projects have both experimental and computational components which can include first-principle calculations.


Our projects on superconductivity are proposed for funding via the Superconductivity CDT  and students are advised to apply via the official Superconductivity website in Oxford. Due to the high competition for funded places candidates are advised to consider and apply for relevant funding. Details about the DPhil application  process via the Condensed Matter Physics application can be found here and to the available scholarships in Oxford can be found here.

1. Developing tunable superconducting devices based on thin flakes of iron-chalcogenide superconductors

Iron-chalcogenide superconductors are versatile materials composed of conducting two-dimensional iron planes separated by van der Waals layers of chalcogens. When FeSe is grown as a monolayer on a suitable substrate, it exhibits the highest critical transition temperature among two-dimensional systems, exceeding that of liquid nitrogen [1]. Furthermore, ionic-liquid gating of FeSe films induces electron doping, enhancing superconductivity four-fold to around 45 K [2]. Thin flakes of FeSe also demonstrate a superconducting diode effect, where zero-resistance states appear non-reciprocally during current injection [3].

This project aims to explore the superconducting and electronic behaviour of dimensional devices based on thin flakes of highly crystalline iron chalcogenides (FeSe1-xSx and FeSe1-xTex). Different ionic substrates and electrochemical gating will be used to tune carrier concentrations and enhance superconductivity. These studies will help establish the link between superconducting phases, electron doping, and competing nematic and magnetic phases, as well as identify signatures of topological behaviour and the superconducting diode effect. The student will investigate phase diagrams and normal electronic manifestations in novel superconducting thin flake devices, tuned via flake thickness and electrochemical gating. The project will involve device preparation, critical current measurements, magnetotransport, and Hall effect studies to explore electronic properties and superconducting phase diagrams under high magnetic fields and low temperatures. Experiments will search for quantum oscillations in the best candidate systems with large mean free paths, utilizing high magnetic field facilities in Europe and the USA. The thin flakes will be exfoliated from existing single crystals using previously developed methods [4,5]. Sample preparation will include designing appropriate lithographic patterns via optical and e-beam lithography, mechanical exfoliation, and using a glove box to handle air-sensitive samples. This project could also be extended to include simulations of current distributions in devices using finite element analysis, to better quantify and understand current distribution.

This project is proposed as part of the Superconductivity CDT and it will be performed in the Oxford Centre for Applied Superconductivity (CfAS) in the Department of Physics.

For further reading please consult: 

1. Superconductivity above 100 K in single-layer FeSe films on doped SrTiO3

2. Interplay between superconductivity and the strange-metal state in FeSe

3. Field-free superconducting diode effect in layered superconductor FeSe

4. Suppression of superconductivity and enhanced critical field anisotropy in ultra-thin flakes of FeSe

5. Unconventional localization of electrons inside of a nematic electronic phase 

2. Strain-tuning of Superconducting and Competing Electronic Phases in Iron-Chalcogenide Superconductors

Uniaxial pressure is a powerful tuning parameter of correlated electronic phases of matter and relevant in superconducting applications. This technique can enhance superconductivity, it provides a unique insight into the behaviour of nematic electronic states giving access to the anisotropic Fermi surfaces, via the nematic susceptibility, and it can break the translational symmetry to stabilize novel topological phases of matter [1,2]. This project will use applied strain to tune the superconducting and the electronic structure. This will help develop a strategy about how to enhance superconductivity, and identify whether the pairing interaction is related to the nematic or magnetic fluctuations [3]. Additionally, elastocaloric effect can be used to probe second-order phase transitions to study the nature of complex pairing symmetries in iron-based superconductors [4]. 

Firstly, the student will perform transport and magnetotransport measurements under strain in high magnetic fields and it will establish how the superconducting phase diagrams are affected by applied strain. These studies will be extended in magnetic fields up to 90T to assess the changes in the Fermi surface under applied strain. Additionally, the student will develop capabilities to measure elastocaloric effect to determine the changes in temperature to an oscillating uniaxial stress at the superconducting phase transitions.  The strain will be applied using both piezostacks and Razorbill cells to tune electronic nematic phases and to assess the strain dependence of critical temperature. The student will use finite element analysis software to simulate the expected strain transmission for the different experimental strain design and cells. The student will be able to perform first-principle calculations to simulate the changes in the electronic structure under strain. 

Experiments in high magnetic fields will be performed at international high-magnetic field facilities in Europe and USA. As applied strain is relevant for technological applications, during the project the student could also test the strain variation of the critical currents of wires and tapes used in superconducting applications. 

This project is proposed as part of the Superconductivity CDT and it will be performed in the Oxford Centre for Applied Superconductivity (CfAS) in the Department of Physics.

 For further reading please consult: 

 1. Emergence of the nematic electronic state in FeSe

2. Strain tuning of nematicity and superconductivity in single crystals of FeSe

3. Iron pnictides and chalcogenides: a new paradigm for superconductivity

4. AC elastocaloric effect as a probe for thermodynamic signatures of continuous phase transitions

3. High-Magnetic Fields to explore Phase Diagrams of Novel Superconductors

In order to understand the relevance of novel superconductors for practical application one needs to understand in detail the three-dimensional phase diagram of superconductors using temperatures, magnetic field and critical fields. These phase diagrams can be constructed using a variety of experimental techniques which include resistivity measurements to test the zero-resistance state and the critical currents, torque measurements which probe the irreversibility fields and tunnel diode oscillator studies which can access the penetration depth. Magnetization measurements can be used to detect the upper and lower critical fields, the pinning forces as well as to estimate the critical currents using the Bean model and correcting for the demagnetizing effects.

This project will construct in detail the superconducting phase diagrams of novel crystalline superconducting materials, which would include iron-based superconductors and candidate topological superconductors. Experiments will be performed as a function of temperature and magnetic fields both in Oxford using high-magnetic fields up to 21T and at the high-magnetic field facilities in Europe and USA. The upper critical fields will be modelled using both single band and multi-band models as applied to other iron-based superconductors. The superconducting fluctuations will be explored using torque magnetometry and paraconductivity studies.

This project can be extended to explore superconducting wires and tapes relevant for practical applications using a designed probes for critical current studies up to 500 A in 14T at 4.2K. 

This project is proposed as part of the Superconductivity CDT and it will be performed in the Oxford Centre for Applied Superconductivity (CfAS) in the Department of Physics. This project will be co-supervised by Professor Amalia Coldea and Professor Stephen J. Blundell. 

For further reading please consult relevant papers:

1. Ultra-high critical current densities, the vortex phase diagram and the effect of granularity of the stoichiometric high-Tc superconductor, CaKFe4As4

2. Competing pairing interactions responsible for the large upper critical field in a stoichiometric iron-based superconductor, CaKFe4As4

3. Multi-band description of the upper critical field of bulk FeSe

4. Designing Novel Crystalline Superconducting Materials

 Discovering superconducting systems with high transition temperatures and high magnetic fields will enable future technologies. This project aims to develop novel superconducting compounds using a building-block approach, focusing on transition metal chalcogenides (such as FeSe and NbSe2) [1,2] to enhance their critical temperatures closer to nitrogen temperature. Initially, the student will prepare a series of single crystals of FeSe and its derivatives (with metal hydroxide layers separating the FeSe layers [1]) using chemical vapor transport, solvothermal synthesis, and solid-state techniques. These crystals will be modified through chemical and electrochemical intercalation of different species between the FeSe layers to tune their structures and electron doping [2,3]. This approach will also be extended to other systems, such as the misfit phases containing NbSe2 [4]. The student will employ a range of experimental tools to characterize the structure and composition of the crystals, including X-ray powder and single-crystal diffraction, neutron diffraction, and electron microscopy. Transport and magnetization measurements will be used to determine the basic superconducting properties, with potential expansion towards high magnetic field studies for the most promising candidates.

The student will use chemical-vapour growth, solvothermal synthesis in autoclaves and intercalation chemistry using reactive solutions. Other facilities include glove boxes, facilities for sealing silica ampoules, furnaces with temperature gradients. Characterisation will use the 16T PPMS in Oxford Physics and the 7T MPMS in Oxford Chemistry,  in-house X-ray diffraction and large-scale facilities on Harwell campus.

This project is proposed as part of the Superconductivity CDT. This project will be performed both in Oxford Physics (supervisor Professor Amalia Coldea) and Oxford Chemistry (supervisor Professor Simon Clarke) at the University of Oxford. 

For further reading please consult:

[1] Soft Chemical Control of Superconductivity in Lithium Iron Selenide Hydroxides Li1–xFex(OH)Fe1–ySe,

[2] Enhancement of the superconducting transition temperature of FeSe by intercalation of a molecular spacer layer,;

[3] Intercalation in two-dimensional transition metal chalcogenides,

[4] Misfit phase (BiSe)1.10NbSe2 as the origin of superconductivity in niobium-doped bismuth selenide

5. Computational approaches to understand complex multi-band superconductors 

Iron-based superconductors are a class of unconventional superconductors with high critical temperatures above liquid nitrogen temperature, and upper critical fields approaching 100T. Their parent compounds are multi-band compensated semimetals, featuring equal numbers of electron-like and hole-like carriers. The Fermi surface consists of cylindrical electron and hole pockets with significant out-of-plane dispersion. Unconventional superconductivity arises from multiple atomic orbitals with strong electronic correlations, leading to a diverse range of gap structures [1]. Despite extensive research, the pairing mechanism remains unclear due to sensitivities of the band structure to small alterations and competing magnetic and nematic fluctuations. Moreover, these systems exhibit an unusual metallic state driven by Hund’s interaction and may harbour topological superconductivity [1].

This computational project aims to use band structure calculations to simulate changes in the electronic structure due to chemical modifications and applied pressure in iron-chalcogenide superconductors. Using experimental data from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and quantum oscillations, the project will determine tight-binding parameters to accurately describe the electronic structure of FeSe1-xSx [3,4]. Additionally, the intensity of ARPES spectra will be simulated, considering matrix element effects and orbital content, to identify anomalies induced by electronic correlations [5]. This tight-binding parameterization is essential for calculating superconducting gaps and simulating the behaviour of upper critical fields and other superconducting properties. The student will employ first-principle calculations using Wien2k and Wannier90, utilizing the supercomputing facilities at Oxford.

The project also seeks to develop guiding principles for creating an experimental database for iron-based superconductors using machine learning approaches. The student will gain familiarity with Python tools and libraries to extract information on superconducting parameters and phase diagrams from existing literature [5]. Reliable experimental data will allow machine learning tools to identify common features in iron-based superconductors.

This project is proposed as part of the Superconductivity CDT.

Useful reading:

1. Iron pnictides and chalcogenides: a new paradigm for superconductivity

2Tight-binding models for the iron-based superconductors;

3. Wien2k, Wannier90

 4. Computational Framework chinook for Simulation of Angle-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy

 5. 3DSC - a dataset of superconductors including crystal structures