Single-photon large-momentum-transfer atom interferometry scheme for Sr or Yb atoms with application to determining the fine-structure constant
Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics American Physical Society 110:5 (2024) 053309
The leading experimental determinations of the fine-structure constant ๐ผ currently rely on atomic photon-recoil measurements from Ramsey-Bordรฉ atom interferometry with large-momentum transfer to provide an absolute mass measurement. We propose an experimental scheme for an intermediate-scale differential atom interferometer to measure the photon recoil of neutral atomic species with a single-photon optical clock transition. We calculate trajectories for our scheme that optimize the recoil phase while nullifying the undesired gravity-gradient phase by considering independently launching two clouds of ultracold atoms with the appropriate initial conditions. For Sr and Yb, we find an atom interferometer of height 3 m to be sufficient for an absolute mass measurement precision of ๐ฅโข๐/๐โผ1ร10โ11 with current technology. Such a precise measurement would halve the current uncertainty in ๐ผ โ an uncertainty that would no longer be limited by an absolute mass measurement. The removal of this limitation would allow the current uncertainty in ๐ผ to be reduced by a factor of 10 by corresponding improvements in relative mass measurements, thus paving the way for higher-precision tests of the standard model of particle physics.Quantum simulations with bilayer 2D Bose gases in multiple-RF-dressed potentials
AVS Quantum Science American Vacuum Society 6:3 (2024) 030501
Scalable Networking of Neutral-Atom Qubits: Nanofiber-Based Approach for Multiprocessor Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computer
ArXiv 2407.11111 (2024)
Quantum Simulations with Bilayer 2D Bose Gases in Multiple-RF-dressed Potentials
Detecting Phase Coherence of 2D Bose Gases via Noise Correlations