Quantum simulations with bilayer 2D Bose gases in multiple-RF-dressed potentials

AVS Quantum Science American Vacuum Society 6:3 (2024)


Abel Beregi, Christopher Foot, Shinichi Sunami


Multiple-RF (MRF) dressing allows trapping of ultracold atoms in novel spatial geometries, such as highly controllable bilayer structures for two-dimensional (2D) ultracold gases, providing unique opportunities for the investigation of 2D quantum systems both in and out of equilibrium. Here, we give an overview of the recent developments of MRF-dressed atom experiments, illustrated by the detailed studies of universal relaxation dynamics across the Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless critical point enabled by coherent splitting quench protocols and detection of correlations via spatially selective matter-wave interferometry.

Scalable Networking of Neutral-Atom Qubits: Nanofiber-Based Approach for Multiprocessor Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computer

ArXiv 2407.11111 (2024)


Shinichi Sunami, Shiro Tamiya, Ryotaro Inoue, Hayata Yamasaki, Akihisa Goban

Quantum Simulations with Bilayer 2D Bose Gases in Multiple-RF-dressed Potentials



Abel Beregi, Christopher J Foot, Shinichi Sunami

Detecting Phase Coherence of 2D Bose Gases via Noise Correlations



Shinichi Sunami, Vijay P Singh, Erik Rydow, Abel Beregi, En Chang, Ludwig Mathey, Christopher J Foot

A single-photon large-momentum-transfer atom interferometry scheme for Sr or Yb atoms with application to determining the fine-structure constant



Jesse S Schelfhout, Thomas M Hird, Kenneth M Hughes, Christopher J Foot