I am interested in understanding the fundamental laws of nature and ways we can test them. My research revolves around open questions in fundamental physics, such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy, and explanations for the patterns in the basic building blocks of particle physics.
Research interests
Theoretical Particle Physics
Dark Matter
Selected publications
Electroweak phase transition with a double well done doubly well
Journal of High Energy Physics Springer 2024:6 (2024) 89
Rock ‘n’ roll solutions to the Hubble tension
Physics of the Dark Universe Elsevier 42 (2023) 101347
Searching for axion forces with spin precession in atoms and molecules
Journal of High Energy Physics Springer 2024:7 (2024) 133
Axion couplings in grand unified theories
Journal of High Energy Physics Springer Nature 2022:10 (2022) 141