Electroweak phase transition with a double well done doubly well
Journal of High Energy Physics Springer 2024:6 (2024) 89
We revisit the electroweak phase transition in the scalar singlet extension of the standard model with a ℤ2 symmetry. In significant parts of the parameter space the phase transition occurs in two steps — including canonical benchmarks used in experimental projections for gravitational waves. Domain walls produced in the first step of the transition seed the final step to the electroweak vacuum, an effect which is typically neglected but leads to an exponentially enhanced tunnelling rate. We improve previous results obtained for the seeded transition, which made use of the thin-wall or high temperature approximations, by using the mountain pass algorithm that was recently proposed as a useful tool for seeded processes. We then determine the predictions of the seeded transition for the latent heat, bubble size and characteristic time scale of the transition. Differences compared to homogeneous transitions are most pronounced when there are relatively few domain walls per hubble patch, potentially leading to an enhanced gravitational wave signal. We also provide a derivation of the percolation criteria for a generic seeded transition, which applies to the domain wall seeds we consider as well as to strings and monopoles.Rock ‘n’ roll solutions to the Hubble tension
Physics of the Dark Universe Elsevier 42 (2023) 101347
Searching for axion forces with spin precession in atoms and molecules
Journal of High Energy Physics Springer 2024:7 (2024) 133
We propose to use atoms and molecules as quantum sensors of axion-mediated monopole-dipole forces. We show that electron spin precession experiments using atomic and molecular beams are well-suited for axion searches thanks to the presence of co-magnetometer states and single-shot temporal resolution. Experimental strategies to detect axion gradients from localised sources and the earth are presented, taking ACME III as a prototype example. Other possibilities including atomic beams, and laser-cooled atoms and molecules are discussed.Axion couplings in grand unified theories
Journal of High Energy Physics Springer Nature 2022:10 (2022) 141