I am currently an assistant professor at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen with a Villum Young Investigator grant.
The main goal of my work is the theoretical understanding of out-of-equilibrium many-body quantum systems, especially those that are potentially relevant for future quantum technologies.
I am currently focusing on understanding the emergence of long-time non-stationary dynamics in many-body quantum systems and how engineering external dissipation can prevent relaxation to stationarity.
Research interests
Open quantum systems
Non-equilibrium physics
Quantum many body systems
Exact solutions and integrability
Selected publications
Complex coherent quantum many-body dynamics through dissipation
Nature Communications Springer Nature 10 (2019) 1730
Isolated Heisenberg magnet as a quantum time crystal
Physical Review B American Physical Society 102:4 (2020) 041117(R)
Out-of-time-ordered crystals and fragmentation
Physical Review Letters American Physical Society 128 (2021) 100601
Algebraic theory of quantum synchronization and limit cycles under dissipation
SciPost Physics SciPost 12 (2022) 097