Classical non-relativistic fractons
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics American Physical Society 109 (2024) 054313
We initiate the study of the classical mechanics of nonrelativistic fractons in its simplest setting—that of identical one-dimensional particles with local Hamiltonians characterized by a conserved dipole moment in addition to the usual symmetries of space and time translation invariance. We introduce a family of models and study the N -body problem for them. We find that locality leads to a “Machian” dynamics in which a given particle exhibits finite inertia only if within a specified distance of another particle. For well-separated particles, this dynamics leads to immobility, much as for quantum models of fractons discussed before. For two or more particles within inertial reach of each other at the start of motion, we obtain an interesting interplay of inertia and interactions. Specifically, for a solvable “inertia only” model of fractons, we find that two particles always become immobile at long times. Remarkably, three particles generically evolve to a late time state with one immobile particle and two oscillating about a common center of mass with generalizations of such “Machian clusters” for N>3. Interestingly, these Machian clusters exhibit physical limit cycles in a Hamiltonian system even though mathematical limit cycles are forbidden by Liouville's theorem.Multiversality and unnecessary criticallity in one dimension
Physical Review Letters American Physical Society 130:25 (2022) 256401
We present microscopic models of spin ladders which exhibit continuous critical surfaces whose properties and existence, unusually, cannot be inferred from those of the flanking phases. These models exhibit either “multiversality”—the presence of different universality classes over finite regions of a critical surface separating two distinct phases—or its close cousin, “unnecessary criticality”—the presence of a stable critical surface within a single, possibly trivial, phase. We elucidate these properties using Abelian bosonization and density-matrix renormalization-group simulations, and attempt to distill the key ingredients required to generalize these considerations.Boundary Supersymmetry of (1+1)D Fermionic Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases.
Physical review letters 126:23 (2021) 236802
We prove that the boundaries of all nontrivial (1+1)-dimensional intrinsically fermionic symmetry-protected-topological phases, protected by finite on-site symmetries (unitary or antiunitary), are supersymmetric quantum mechanical systems. This supersymmetry does not require any fine-tuning of the underlying Hamiltonian, arises entirely as a consequence of the boundary 't Hooft anomaly that classifies the phase, and is related to a "Bose-Fermi" degeneracy different in nature from other well known degeneracies such as Kramers doublets.Universal spectral form factor for many-body localization
Physical Review Research American Physical Society (APS) 3:1 (2021) l012019