A High Spatial Resolution Analysis of the MAXIMA-1 Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Data

ArXiv astro-ph/0104459 (2001)


AT Lee, P Ade, A Balbi, J Bock, J Borrill, A Boscaleri, P De Bernardis, PG Ferreira, S Hanany, VV Hristov, AH Jaffe, PD Mauskopf, CB Netterfield, E Pascale, B Rabii, PL Richards, GF Smoot, R Stompor, CD Winant, JHP Wu


We extend the analysis of the MAXIMA-1 cosmic microwave background (CMB) data to smaller angular scales. MAXIMA, a bolometric balloon experiment, mapped a 124 deg$^2$ region of the sky with 10\arcmin resolution at frequencies of 150, 240 and 410 GHz during its first flight. The original analysis, which covered the multipole range $36 \leq \ell \leq 785$, is extended to $\ell = 1235$ using data from three 150 GHz photometers in the fully cross-linked central 60 deg$^2$ of the map. The main improvement over the original analysis is the use of 3\arcmin square pixels in the calculation of the map. The new analysis is consistent with the original for $\ell < 785$. For $\ell > 785$, where inflationary models predict a third acoustic peak, the new analysis shows power with an amplitude of $56 \pm 7$ \microk at $\ell \simeq 850$ in excess to the average power of $42 \pm 3$ \microk in the range $441 < \ell < 785$.

The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey - V. The 10k catalogue

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 322:4 (2001)


SM Croom, RJ Smith, BJ Boyle, T Shanks, NS Loaring, L Miller, IJ Lewis


We present a catalogue comprising over 10 000 QSOs covering an effective area of 289.6 deg2, based on spectroscopic observations with the 2-degree Field (2dF) instrument at the Anglo-Australian Telescope. This catalogue forms the first release of the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey. QSO candidates with 18.25 < bJ < 20.85 were obtained from a single homogeneous colour-selected catalogue based on APM measurements of UK Schmidt photographic material. The final catalogue will contain approximately 25 000 QSOs and will be released to the public at the end of 2002, one year after the observational phase is concluded.

Cosmology from MAXIMA-1, BOOMERANG, and COBE DMR cosmic microwave background observations

Physical Review Letters 86:16 (2001) 3475-3479


AH Jaffe, PAR Ade, A Balbi, JJ Bock, JR Bond, J Borrill, A Boscaleri, K Coble, BP Crill, P De Bernardis, P Farese, PG Ferreira, K Ganga, M Giacometti, S Hanany, E Hivon, VV Hristov, A Iacoangeli, AE Lange, AT Lee, L Martinis, S Masi, PD Mauskopf, A Melchiorri, T Montroy, CB Netterfield, S Oh, E Pascale, F Piacentini, D Pogosyan, S Prunet, B Rabii, S Rao, PL Richards, G Romeo, JE Ruhl, F Scaramuzzi, D Sforna, GF Smoot, R Stompor, CD Winant, JHP Wu


To obtain further estimates of several cosmological parameters, the recent BOOMERANG-98 (B98) and MAXIMA-1 cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy data, as well as COBE DMR, were analyzed. The resulting data support the chief predictions of the inflation paradigm, that the geometry of the Universe is flat, and that the initial density perturbations are scale invariant, and with the corollary that the density of mass energy in the Universe is dominated by a form other than ordinary matter.

Isotropy and Stability of the Brane

ArXiv hep-ph/0103112 (2001)


MG Santos, F Vernizzi, PG Ferreira


We reexamine Wald's no-hair theorem for global anisotropy in the brane world scenarios. We derive a set of sufficient conditions which must be satisfied by the brane matter and bulk metric so that a homogeneous and anisotropic brane asymptotically evolves to a de Sitter spacetime in the presence of a positive cosmological constant on the brane. We discuss the violations of these sufficient conditions and we show that a negative nonlocal energy density or the presence of strong anisotropic stress (i.e., a magnetic field) may lead the brane to collapse. We discuss the generality of these conditions.

First Results from the 2dF QSO redshift survey

ArXiv astro-ph/0103064 (2001)


BJ Boyle, SM Croom, RJ Smith, T Shanks, PJ Outram, F Hoyle, L Miller, NS Loaring


We present some initial results from the 2dF QSO redshift survey. The aim of the survey is to produce an optically-selected catalogue of 25000 QSOs over the redshift range 0