A momentum budget study of the semi-annual oscillation in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1–22


Aleena M. Jaison, Lesley J. Gray, Scott Osprey, Anne K. Smith, Rolando R. Garcia


The representation of the semi-annual oscillation (SAO) in climate models shows a common easterly bias of several tens of metres per second compared to observations. These biases could be due to deficiencies in eastward tropical wave forcing, the position or strength of the climatological summertime jet or the strength/timing of the Brewer–Dobson circulation. This motivates further analysis of the momentum budget of the upper stratosphere within models and a more detailed comparison with reanalyses to determine the origin of the bias. In this study, the transformed Eulerian mean momentum equation is used to evaluate the different forcing terms that contribute to the SAO in the MERRA2 reanalysis dataset. This is then compared with the equivalent analysis using data from a climate simulation of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM). The comparison shows that WACCM underestimates eastward forcing by both resolved and parameterised waves at equatorial latitudes when compared with MERRA2 and also has a weaker tropical upwelling above 1 hPa.

Carbon Cycle Instability for High-CO 2 Exoplanets: Implications for Habitability

The Astrophysical Journal American Astronomical Society 970:1 (2024) 32


RJ Graham, RT Pierrehumbert


Implicit in the definition of the classical circumstellar habitable zone (HZ) is the hypothesis that the carbonate-silicate cycle can maintain clement climates on exoplanets with land and surface water across a range of instellations by adjusting atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (pCO2). This hypothesis is made by analogy to the Earth system, but it is an open question whether silicate weathering can stabilize climate on planets in the outer reaches of the HZ, where instellations are lower than those received by even the Archean Earth and CO2 is thought likely to dominate atmospheres. Since weathering products are carried from land to ocean by the action of water, silicate weathering is intimately coupled to the hydrologic cycle, which intensifies with hotter temperatures under Earth-like conditions. Here, we use global climate model simulations to demonstrate that the hydrologic cycle responds counterintuitively to changes in climate on planets with CO2-H2O atmospheres at low instellations and high pCO2, with global evaporation and precipitation decreasing as pCO2 and temperatures increase at a given instellation. Within the Maher & Chamberlain (or MAC) weathering formulation, weathering then decreases with increasing pCO2 for a range of instellations and pCO2 typical of the outer reaches of the HZ, resulting in an unstable carbon cycle that may lead to either runaway CO2 accumulation or depletion of CO2 to colder (possibly snowball) conditions. While the behavior of the system has not been completely mapped out, the results suggest that silicate weathering could fail to maintain habitable conditions in the outer reaches of the nominal HZ.

Comparison between non‐orographic gravity‐wave parameterizations used in QBOi models and Strateole 2 constant‐level balloons

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society Wiley (2024)


F Lott, R Rani, C McLandress, A Podglajen, A Bushell, M Bramberger, H‐K Lee, J Alexander, J Anstey, H‐Y Chun, A Hertzog, N Butchart, Y‐H Kim, Y Kawatani, B Legras, E Manzini, H Naoe, S Osprey, R Plougonven, H Pohlmann, JH Richter, J Scinocca, J García‐Serrano, F Serva


Gravity‐wave (GW) parameterizations from 12 general circulation models (GCMs) participating in the Quasi‐Biennial Oscillation initiative (QBOi) are compared with Strateole 2 balloon observations made in the tropical lower stratosphere from November 2019–February 2020 (phase 1) and from October 2021–January 2022 (phase 2). The parameterizations employ the three standard techniques used in GCMs to represent subgrid‐scale non‐orographic GWs, namely the two globally spectral techniques developed by Warner and McIntyre (1999) and Hines (1997), as well as the “multiwaves” approaches following the work of Lindzen (1981). The input meteorological fields necessary to run the parameterizations offline are extracted from the ERA5 reanalysis and correspond to the meteorological conditions found underneath the balloons. In general, there is fair agreement between amplitudes derived from measurements for waves with periods less than 1 $$ 1 $$ h and parameterizations. The correlation between the daily observations and the corresponding results of the parameterization can be around 0.4, which is 99 % $$ 99\% $$ significant, since 1200 days of observations are used. Given that the parameterizations have only been tuned to produce a quasi‐biennial oscillation (QBO) in the models, the 0.4 correlation coefficient of the GW momentum fluxes is surprisingly good. These correlations nevertheless vary between schemes and depend little on their formulation (globally spectral versus multiwaves for instance). We therefore attribute these correlations to dynamical filtering, which all schemes take into account, whereas only a few relate the gravity waves to their sources. Statistically significant correlations are mostly found for eastward‐propagating waves, which may be due to the fact that during both Strateole 2 phases the QBO is easterly at the altitude of the balloon flights. We also found that the probability density functions (pdfs) of the momentum fluxes are represented better in spectral schemes with constant sources than in schemes (“spectral” or “multiwaves”) that relate GWs only to their convective sources.

Dynamic and Thermodynamic Control of the Response of Winter Climate and Extreme Weather to Projected Arctic Sea‐Ice Loss

Geophysical Research Letters Wiley Open Access 51:13 (2024) e2024GL109271


Kunhui Ye, Tim Woollings, Sarah N Sparrow


A novel sub‐sampling method has been used to isolate the dynamic effects of the response of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Siberian High (SH) from the total response to projected Arctic sea‐ice loss under 2°C global warming above preindustrial levels in very large initial‐condition ensemble climate simulations. Thermodynamic effects of Arctic warming are more prominent in Europe while dynamic effects are more prominent in Asia/East Asia. This explains less‐severe cold extremes in Europe but more‐severe cold extremes in Asia/East Asia. For Northern Eurasia, dynamic effects overwhelm the effect of increased moisture from a warming Arctic, leading to an overall decrease in precipitation. We show that the response scales linearly with the dynamic response. However, caution is needed when interpreting inter‐model differences in the response because of internal variability, which can largely explain the inter‐model spread in the NAO and SH response in the Polar Amplification Model Intercomparison Project.

The attribution of February extremes over North America: A forecast-based storyline study

Journal of Climate American Meteorological Society (2024)


Donghyun Lee, Sarah Sparrow, Nicholas Leach, Scott Osprey, Jinah Lee, Myles Allen


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>The importance of extreme event attribution rises as climate change causes severe damage to populations resulting from unprecedented events. In February 2019, a planetary wave shifted along the U.S.-Canadian border, simultaneously leading to troughing with anomalous cold events and ridging over Alaska and northern Canada with abnormal warm events. Also, a dry-stabilized anticyclonic circulation over low latitudes induced warm extreme events over Mexico and U.S. Florida. Most attribution studies compare the climate model simulations under natural or actual forcing conditions and assess probabilistically from a climatological point of view. However, in this study, we use multiple ensembles from an operational forecast model, promising statistical as well as dynamically constrained attribution assessment, often referred to as the storyline approach to extreme event attribution. In the globally averaged results, increasing CO<jats:sub>2</jats:sub> concentrations lead to distinct warming signals at the surface, resulting mainly from diabatic heating. Our study finds that CO<jats:sub>2</jats:sub>-induced warming eventually affects the possibility of extreme events in North America, quantifying the impact of anthropogenic forcing over less than a week’s forecast simulation. Our study assesses the validity of the storyline approach conditional on the forecast lead times, which is hindered by rising noise in CO<jats:sub>2</jats:sub> signals and the declining performance of the forecast model. The forecast-based storyline approach is valid for at least half of the land area within a six-day lead time before the target extreme occurrence. Our attribution results highlight the importance of achieving net-zero emissions ahead of schedule to reduce the occurrence of severe heatwaves.</jats:p>