Two-step growth of high quality Bi2Te3 thin films on Al2O3 (0001) by molecular beam epitaxy



SE Harrison, S Li, Y Huo, B Zhou, YL Chen, JS Harris

Weak localization effects as evidence for bulk quantization in Bi2Se3 thin films

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 88:12 (2013) ARTN 121103


Li Zhang, Merav Dolev, Qi I Yang, Robert H Hammond, Bo Zhou, Alexander Palevski, Yulin Chen, Aharon Kapitulnik

Controlling the carriers of topological insulators by bulk and surface doping

Semiconductor Science and Technology 27:12 (2012)


B Zhou, ZK Liu, JG Analytis, K Igarashi, SK Mo, DH Lu, RG Moore, IR Fisher, T Sasagawa, ZX Shen, Z Hussain, YL Chen


We report a systematic study of bulk and surface chemical doping effects on single Dirac cone topological insulator Bi2Se3 and Bi2Te3. By bulk doping, we were able to achieve full range control of charge carrier types and concentration, with the exact Fermi energy measured by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). Due to the unusual robustness of the topological surface state, we further realized the bi-polar control of the surface carriers by gaseous or alkaline surface doping without affecting the topological nature of these materials. The doping progress monitored by in situ ARPES study clearly demonstrated the switching between different carrier types through the Dirac point. The ability to control the carrier types and the concentration of topological insulators will greatly facilitate future applications. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.

Controlled synthesis of topological insulator nanoplate arrays on mica

Journal of the American Chemical Society 134:14 (2012) 6132-6135


H Li, J Cao, W Zheng, Y Chen, D Wu, W Dang, K Wang, H Peng, Z Liu


The orientation- and position-controlled synthesis of single-crystal topological insulator (Bi 2Se 3 and Bi 2Te 3) nanoplate arrays on mica substrates was achieved using van der Waals epitaxy. Individual ultrathin nanoplates with the lateral dimension up to ∼0.1 mm or uniform thickness down to 1-2 nm were produced. Single-Dirac-cone surface states of nanoplate aggregates were confirmed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements. The large-grain-size, single-crystal nanoplate arrays grown on mica can act as facile platforms for a combination of spectroscopy and in situ transport measurements, which may open up new avenues for studying exotic physical phenomena, surface chemical reactions, and modification in topological insulators. © 2012 American Chemical Society.

Studies on the electronic structures of three-dimensional topological insulators by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy

Frontiers of Physics 7:2 (2012) 175-192


Three-dimensional (3D) topological insulators represent a new state of quantum matter with a bulk gap and odd number of relativistic Dirac fermions on the surface. The unusual surface states of topological insulators rise from the nontrivial topology of their electronic structures as a result of strong spin-orbital coupling. In this review, we will briefly introduce the concept of topological insulators and the experimental method that can directly probe their unique electronic structure: angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). A few examples are then presented to demonstrate the unique band structures of different families of topological insulators and the unusual properties of the topological surface states. Finally, we will briefly discuss the future development of topological quantum materials. © 2012 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.