ATP synthesis: the world's smallest wind-up toy.

Curr Biol 15:10 (2005) R385-R387


ATP synthase contains two rotary motors coupled back-to-back: the protonmotive force-driven motor F0 pushes the ATP-driven motor F1 in reverse, causing it to synthesize ATP. Half of this process has now been reproduced in vitro, using tiny magnets instead of F0 to drive the reverse rotation of a single F1 molecule.

E. coli in Motion

Physics Today AIP Publishing 58:2 (2005) 64-65

Steps in slow flagellar motor rotation

BIOPHYS J 88:1 (2005) 504A-504A


AD Rowe, Y Sowa, MC Leake, T Yakushi, M Homma, A Ishijima, RM Berry

Structure and function of subunit a of the ATP synthase of Escherichia coli

Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes 37:6 (2005) 445-449


SB Vik, RR Ishmukhametov

Ultrafast purification and reconstitution of His-tagged cysteine-less Escherichia coli F 1F o ATP synthase

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics 1706:1-2 (2005) 110-116


RR Ishmukhametov, MA Galkin, SB Vik