Surface acoustic wave devices on bulk ZnO at low temperature



Einar B Magnusson, Benjamin H Williams, Riccardo Manenti, Moon-Sun Nam, Ani Nersisyan, Michael J Peterer, Arzhang Ardavan, Peter J Leek

Quantum spin coherence in halogen-modified Cr7Ni molecular nanomagnets

Physical Review B American Physical Society (APS) 90:18 (2014) 184419


Danielle Kaminski, Amy L Webber, Christopher J Wedge, Junjie Liu, Grigore A Timco, Iñigo J Vitorica-Yrezabal, Eric JL McInnes, Richard EP Winpenny, Arzhang Ardavan

Magnetism in a family of $S = 1$ square lattice antiferromagnets Ni$X_2$(pyz)$_2$ ($X = $ Cl, Br, I, NCS; pyz = pyrazine)



J Liu, PA Goddard, J Singleton, J Brambleby, F Foronda, JS Möller, Y Kohama, S Ghannadzadeh, A Ardavan, SJ Blundell, T Lancaster, F Xiao, RC Williams, FL Pratt, PJ Baker, K Wierschem, SH Lapidus, KH Stone, PW Stephens, J Bendix, MR Lees, TJ Woods, KE Carreiro, HE Tran, CJ Villa, JL Manson

Quantum spin coherence in halogen-modified Cr$_7$Ni molecular nanomagnets



Danielle Kaminski, Amy L Webber, Christopher J Wedge, Junjie Liu, Grigore A Timco, Inigo J Vitorica-Yrezabal, Eric JL McInnes, Richard EP Winpenny, Arzhang Ardavan

Synthesis, structure and magnetism of the mixed-valent phosphonate cage, [MnIIMnIII 12(μ4-O)6(μ-OH)6(O3P–t-Bu)10(OH2)2(DMF)4]·[2MeOH·4DMF]

Polyhedron Elsevier 72 (2014) 35-42


Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, Joydeb Goura, Kandasamy Gopal, Junjie Liu, Paul Goddard