Temporal witnesses of non-classicality in a macroscopic biological system
Scientific Reports Nature Research 14:1 (2024) 20094
Exciton transfer along a bio-polymer is essential for many biological processes, for instance, light harvesting in photosynthetic biosystems. Here we apply a new witness of non-classicality to this phenomenon, to conclude that, if an exciton can mediate the coherent quantum evolution of a photon, then the exciton is non-classical. We then propose a general qubit model for the quantum transfer of an exciton along a bio-polymer chain, also discussing the effects of environmental decoherence. The generality of our results makes them ideal candidates to design new tests of quantum features in complex bio-molecules.Comparing coherent and incoherent models for quantum homogenization
Physical Review A American Physical Society (APS) 110:1 (2024) 012464
Interference in Quantum Field Theory: Detecting Ghosts with Phases
Annalen der Physik Wiley 535:9 (2023)
Temporal witnesses of non-classicality and conservation laws
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical IOP Publishing 56:26 (2023) 265305
Irreversibility beyond Landauer’s principle: is it possible to perform erasure using the quantum homogenizer?
New Journal of Physics IOP Publishing 24:11 (2022) 113030