Near-infrared imaging spectroscopy of IRAS FSC 10214+4724: Evidence for a starburst region around an active galactic nucleus at z = 2.3

Astrophysical Journal 463:2 PART II (1996)


H Kroker, R Genzel, A Krabbe, LE Tacconi-Garman, M Tecza, N Thatte, SVW Beckwith


We report 1″ imaging spectroscopy of the 1.95-2.4 μm wavelength region in the z = 2.284 galaxy IRAS FSC 10214+4724. We find that the rest-frame Hα and [N II] emission have different spatial extents. We also detect broad (ΔνFWZP ≈ 3500 km s-1) Hα emission. FSC 10214 is a very luminous gravitationally lensed galaxy, which intrinsically contains both a type 1 active galactic nucleus and a more extended star-forming disk. The AGN and circumnuclear star formation both contribute significantly to the total luminosity of ∼ 1013 L⊙. © 1996. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.

Remote sounding of the Martian atmosphere in the context of the InterMarsNet mission: General circulation and meteorology

Planetary and Space Science 44:11 SPEC. ISS. (1996) 1347-1360


FW Taylor, SB Calcutt, PGJ Irwin, DJ McCleese, JT Schofield, DO Muhleman, RT Clancy, CB Leovy


A concept has been developed for a remote sensing experiment to investigate the physics of the Martian atmosphere from a spin-stabilized orbiter, like that planned for the InterMarsNet mission. Using coincident infrared and microwave channels and limb-to-limb scanning, it can map the planet much more extensively than previously in temperature, atmospheric dust loading, and humidity. When combined with one or more surface stations measuring the same variables, the sounder experiment can contribute to major progress in understanding the general circulation and dust and water cycles of the atmosphere of Mars, and the characterization of medium-scale meteorological systems. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.

Thermostats, Radiator Fins, and the Local Runaway Greenhouse

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences American Meteorological Society 52:10 (1995) 1784-1806

Potential Vorticity Homogenization and Stationary Waves

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences American Meteorological Society 52:7 (1995) 990-994


KL Swanson, RT Pierrehumbert

Surface quasi-geostrophic dynamics

Journal of Fluid Mechanics Cambridge University Press (CUP) 282 (1995) 1-20


Isaac M Held, Raymond T Pierrehumbert, Stephen T Garner, Kyle L Swanson